Well 2012 has come to an end and it's been a fabulous year. Today I have reset my Garmin, created something of a running schedule and set motivational reminders in my phone. I downloaded a recipe app as well to keep things new and to find some new and delicious foods. I am looking forward to a year of happiness and fun. I hope 2013 is a wonderful year full of new goals and fantastic accomplishments. Thanks to all of you who follow and support me on this journey!
A peak into my life as I work towards becoming a healthier, happier person. I look forward to sharing my trials and my successes with you and if even one person becomes inspired by my story I'll be even happier.
Monday, 31 December 2012
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
Happy Boxing Day!
Christmas Day has come and gone but our biggest celebration is tonight. The big kids get here and my aunts and uncles are coming too. We'll have our big turkey dinner and just a fun relaxing night.
The other excitement is that we are supposed to get a snow storm! Since I don't have to work or drive any where I say bring it on! Last year we really didn't get much of a winter and I was happy with that but the kids like the snow and there are so many thing we can do.
I have stuck to my running plan so far. I didn't make it out on Monday but knew that was possible. I did get out this morning though. Man was it cold!! I cut things a bit shorter because the cold really bothers my asthma at times and today I was running right into the cold wind. It was still a good run though and about 20 minutes. Friday will probably be a snowy run but a good one! The beauty of running in the snow makes it so much more fun!
The other excitement is that we are supposed to get a snow storm! Since I don't have to work or drive any where I say bring it on! Last year we really didn't get much of a winter and I was happy with that but the kids like the snow and there are so many thing we can do.
I have stuck to my running plan so far. I didn't make it out on Monday but knew that was possible. I did get out this morning though. Man was it cold!! I cut things a bit shorter because the cold really bothers my asthma at times and today I was running right into the cold wind. It was still a good run though and about 20 minutes. Friday will probably be a snowy run but a good one! The beauty of running in the snow makes it so much more fun!
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Time for Reflection
Another year is almost over and what a year it has been. Lots of fun and exciting things have happened and I have been spending some time reflecting on those things. Most of those things I have shared here already and hope that everyone has enjoyed reading them. I kind of fell off the blogging wagon for a while but I'm going to work on getting back on track and hope to share more in the coming weeks. Looking back at my first couple of posts from last year I can see how far I have come and how far I still need to go. I felt like I hadn't lost any weight at all but have realized that I have lost 14lbs this year. It's not much but when you look at the fact that I lost and didn't gain I'm happy with that. Maybe my goal for this year can be to lose double that amount:) Slow and steady wins the race right?
Running has been very sporadic since my half marathon in June. I know that I just need to get out and do it and have created myself a plan to make things work. Since I have almost two weeks off I am going to start by running every other day. Yesterday was supposed to be day one but the wind was too scary so I went today instead. That would put my next run on Christmas Day but that's just not going to work so I will run a short run again tomorrow then will resume the every other day. My short, short term goal is to be able to run 8k on my birthday in 3 weeks. It might be a stretch but considering I could run 21k just a few months ago I don't think it's too much of a stretch. Now that I have put it out there I have to do it so I can report back!
So what about the world outside of running and weight loss?? Well we have had some family fun this year with camping and recently we stayed over night at a local hotel with a water park. The kids are all getting older and growing up so fast. In just over a month we will register Christina for school!! It's so crazy that this September she'll be off to school with Anna. Anna is doing so well with learning and handled the first of her surgeries like a trooper. Meag has had a year of self discovery! She started college and realized that she didn't really fit the program she was in. She has made some changes to her schedule and will be doing something different at school in the next year. It has been a year of personal growth for her and she is slowly starting to find herself. Drew had a rough year at school but things seem to be turning around now. He is also really finding who he is now and discovering what he likes and wants in life. Ashlee has come to be a young woman instead of a girl. She is becoming a real teenager complete with the boy band obsession that I remember all to well from my teenage days.
Over all it has been a wonderful year and I'm looking forward to the year to come.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Saturday, 1 December 2012
It Snowed:)
It snowed yesterday so naturally I had to go for a run this morning! It's been a rough go since my half marathon 6 months ago. I blame it mostly on lost motivation but partly on the pain in my right leg. Either way I bought new jeans yesterday and they are a size smaller than my last ones which puts me that much closer to shopping in a regular store. That gives me motivation to go and boy am I glad I did! It felt great! It was cold and crisp and painful but the end result is a wonderful feeling of accomplishment! Tuesday is supposed to be warm and rainy! Sounds like another perfect day for a run:)
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Surgery, new love and Christmas time!
I'm always amazed at the people who complain about wait times for medical care. We have had many appointments with specialists for Anna and have never waited very long for anything. When her heart murmur was first detected we waited no more than a couple of weeks for her first echo then less than a week for the second. Then when they determined that it was indeed a defect we were referred to McMaster and didn't wait very long for that appointment either. It was less than 2 months for sure because I was already a month pregnant with Christina when Anna's defect was originally diagnosed and was less than 3 months when we went to McMaster the first time. Since then we have had regular appointments with no delays for extra tests. When we first found her hernia we were told she would have to go to McMaster for that as well because of her heart. I figured we would wait a few months to even see the surgeon but it was less than a month. We were told at that appointment that it would be 6 to 9 months for surgery. OK that's a pretty long wait but we were also told that if she had any complications or any issues we were to bring her to emergency and they would fix it right away. Well we had no issues and we only waited maybe 4 months for surgery. We went for pre-op just over a week ago with no surgery booked and less than a week later we were called to go for surgery. So now only 4 months after our first appointment she has had the hernia repaired. For a non-life threatening issue I'm happy with that kind of wait. Now we only have to worry about the heart part again and that should be repaired in the next year or so too. That will depend on how much she grows and how much her heart changes at the next visit.
We also have some excitement in our house because Meag has found a new beau. It's funny how things work and how when the right person comes along everything just falls into place. Meag had been pretty stressed about life in general and all of a sudden everything has just worked out. School was not going well. She didn't like the program she had chosen and was struggling with marks. On the same day that she decided to switch programs and move forward she also met this new boy. It happened by fluke really. The family was going to Niagara Falls to stay overnight at a hotel and she had to take the bus to meet us there after school. She doesn't know Niagara Falls and was saying to a friend that she was worried because she didn't know where she was going or where to get off the bus. This guy overheard her and said he was going to the Falls and would help her. The rest is history! They have spent lots of time together since and she can't stop smiling. This makes me happy!
Christmas is now only one month away and with two little girls in the house things are getting very exciting. We get our tree this weekend and they are both now old enough to help with all the decorating. I just love this time of year and all the time we get to spend with family enjoying each others company and just having fun. I feel like this year I am looking forward to things even more than usual and can't wait for everything to be ready and the holidays to start!
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Well Hello There:)
Wow it's been a while since I posted!! I haven't forgotten about the blogging world but I just haven't had much to write. Things are the same as last time I posted. Still going to the gym and working out. I haven't been running as much. I'm blaming that mostly on a huge brain block where I felt like I had to run with the group or not at all. In the last couple of weeks I've identified that as a problem now I just have to get out there and run. I have to find my motivation again and I know that to do that I have to lace up the shoes and hit the pavement. I know that the minute I step out the door and feel that wonderful rush of the fresh, late fall air I will remember what I love so much about running. It's the getting out the door that has become the problem. I know I can do it and will do it. I just need to do it. Tomorrow is a Y night but Thursday looks like a free and clear day so hopefully I can get my butt in gear and get out there.
Tonight would have been a running night but it was parent/teacher interview and I felt like coming home as a family and spending the night together was important. I had no surprises at the interview. Anna is doing fantastic at school and is, for lack of a better word, the teachers pet. She is having no problems except for being a Chatty Cathy (I have NO idea where she gets that from lol). I'm very proud of her and hope that she retains this love of school. One of my favorite things is that she is a natural leader. I have always known that but it's nice to hear that. Her teacher said she is respectful to everyone, encourages her friends to do things and is always eager to work and help. She is a rule follower but will also question things to understand better. Her school work is always done when needed and she is right where she should be if not ahead of the game.
Anna has two surgeries coming up in the next year or so and one of my biggest worries was her missing too much school and falling behind. Her teacher laid that worry to rest today when she said that Anna could miss an entire week of school and have no issues. We go for pre-op for the first surgery next week. I'm hoping that she has the actual surgery over the Christmas break so that she doesn't have to miss but if it lands during school time I won't worry so much now.
The teachers have all loved Anna so far. She is a calm, happy child who focuses when she needs to and gets things done. She is a rule follower and listens well. Next year Christina starts school:) Those teachers have no clue what they are in for next ;)
Tonight would have been a running night but it was parent/teacher interview and I felt like coming home as a family and spending the night together was important. I had no surprises at the interview. Anna is doing fantastic at school and is, for lack of a better word, the teachers pet. She is having no problems except for being a Chatty Cathy (I have NO idea where she gets that from lol). I'm very proud of her and hope that she retains this love of school. One of my favorite things is that she is a natural leader. I have always known that but it's nice to hear that. Her teacher said she is respectful to everyone, encourages her friends to do things and is always eager to work and help. She is a rule follower but will also question things to understand better. Her school work is always done when needed and she is right where she should be if not ahead of the game.
Anna has two surgeries coming up in the next year or so and one of my biggest worries was her missing too much school and falling behind. Her teacher laid that worry to rest today when she said that Anna could miss an entire week of school and have no issues. We go for pre-op for the first surgery next week. I'm hoping that she has the actual surgery over the Christmas break so that she doesn't have to miss but if it lands during school time I won't worry so much now.
The teachers have all loved Anna so far. She is a calm, happy child who focuses when she needs to and gets things done. She is a rule follower and listens well. Next year Christina starts school:) Those teachers have no clue what they are in for next ;)
Sunday, 14 October 2012
I realized just now that I haven't posted anything in quite some time. I don't really have a reason for this aside from the fact that I haven't been on the actual computer much lately. Things continue to move forward. I had a nasty cold over the last week and a bit but am much better now and returned to the gym today. I've been eating well for the most part and continue to watch how much junk we are bringing into the house. My knee is continuing to get better and with the week off from activity it was feeling really good. It's tighter now but nothing that will slow me down. It's almost Adryanna's birthday so this will be a busy week between work, programs at the Y and getting things ready for the party but it will all be worth it in the end!
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
I Love Fall!
Today as I drove back to the office from an appointment I passed through a very tree filled area. The leaves were starting to change and absolutely beautiful. I love this time of year. Thanksgiving is this weekend and with it comes wonderful food, family and fun. We'll spend part of this weekend at an annual craft show, part enjoying a lovely Turkey dinner and part just enjoying the great outdoors. I love to run at this time of year too. The air is fresh and full of comforting smells, the scenery is beautiful and it just feels great to be out there. It's been a good week too. My knee is getting better everyday and workouts are getting easier again. I'm certain that I will be running totally pain free in the next couple of weeks. I'll have to make sure to keep up my stretching so that I don't get tight and sore again but it's all worth it to be able to enjoy this, my favorite, season!
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Doing well:)
I keep recommitting to this health journey and then falling off the wagon. I decided a few weeks ago that this would be the last time I do this and that it would be for good. It was a good start and it has only gotten better. I've been working on my knee issue and have figured out the things I need to do between chiropractor visits to keep things moving in the right direction. I've been eating well and the more I eat healthy the better I feel. I know it's not rocket science but sometimes I just need that little reminder.
Last week I attended a nutrition seminar called "5 Steps to Optimal Health". It was very informative and really made me think about what I eat. I have been struggling with stomach issues for a very long time. The people running the seminar talked a lot about digestion and why people in general have so many digestive issues. The one thing that really stood out for me was the list of symptoms they showed us for gluten intolerance. They explained that many people can be sensitive without being intolerant and that many people do not even test positive with the simple blood test that they do. My doctor has always been difficult and this is an area that he is stubborn in. I have been to him several times and he has sent me for many tests but never the Celiac test. So I decided that I would take a leap and go gluten free for 3 weeks. At the end I will have something with gluten and see what happens. I started working on this on Friday and already my stomach feels so much better. I am not as bloated and am not having the incredible pain that I often just accepted as normal. This could be totally psychological, it could be just that I'm more conscious of what I am eating and therefore eating healthier or it could be that gluten has been the problem all along. Only time will tell but for now I'll take whatever is happening and be happy.
I've also been very good about exercising. I have made it for most of my workouts and tonight's run was fantastic. I really feel like I'm back on track!!!
Monday, 24 September 2012
Proud Mama Moments
Today Adryanna brought home her first "test" ever. It was a five word spelling test. She's in grade one so tests aren't exactly complicated by adult terms but for a five year old it's a big deal. Of course for my little girl it was no big deal. She didn't even tell me about it actually. When I checked her agenda book it was in there with a big star on it. My little smarty pants got 5/5!!! I was quite proud and promptly posted a picture of it on Facebook, emailed the picture to Daddy and our best friends, Erin and Stan. Everyone is so proud of her. When I said something to her about it she said, in a very matter of fact voice, "I know Mommy". Perhaps she didn't really realize how awesome it is or maybe she just didn't care. Either way she didn't seem impressed. That is until later on. As the evening went on she told me that only two kids got a star. She then said she thinks it's because they are the only ones who got them all right. I still don't know if she gets that it's super awesome to get perfect on a test but I'm sure proud of her. Some would disagree with me but getting good marks is very important. I want her to understand that hard work pays off and she will get further in life if she tries hard in school so I will make a big deal when she brings home good marks.
The flipside of that is that I'm not sure she had to try very hard. We have been sent home a list of words for her to practice at home. In class they will be doing five words a week and this list goes until November. She can read every word on the list with no real effort, she can spell all of this weeks words. The important thing to note is this kid loves books. I have pictures of her at a year old sitting in a box of books. She has easily a hundred books in her room. We have read to her almost daily since she was an infant. I'm sure all of these things contribute to her success and I hope she never loses this passion for learning.
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Today's test:) |
The flipside of that is that I'm not sure she had to try very hard. We have been sent home a list of words for her to practice at home. In class they will be doing five words a week and this list goes until November. She can read every word on the list with no real effort, she can spell all of this weeks words. The important thing to note is this kid loves books. I have pictures of her at a year old sitting in a box of books. She has easily a hundred books in her room. We have read to her almost daily since she was an infant. I'm sure all of these things contribute to her success and I hope she never loses this passion for learning.
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Just over a year old |
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Two Freaking Years Baby!!!
I guess I realized this a few days ago but tonight was the first time I said it out loud which made it feel real. I have been a runner for two freaking years:) It's hard for me to wrap my head around that right now. I remember my beginner clinic like it was yesterday. I am a very visual person and have an amazing (annoyingly amazing sometimes) memory. When I think about those first runs I can picture the routes, smell the smells and hear the sounds. They are some of my fondest memories. They are life changing memories really. When I walked through the door that first night I would never have imagined I would be where I am today. I couldn't have even began to think that I would have run a half marathon or that I would be considering doing another. This is the first time in my life that I have stuck with any exercise routine. I will never be able to say exactly what has happened this time but whatever it is I'm so thankful that it's happened. I have never felt this good about myself. I've gained so much confidence over the past two years. I feel like I have a whole new outlook on life. I'm just so damned happy that I made that first step through the door.
Monday, 17 September 2012
Retail Therapy
I've never been a big shopper. I don't know if it's because things like clothes and shoes are hard for me to find in my size (plus size clothes and size 10 shoes) or if it's because things are expensive and I don't like to spend my money on stuff like that. I just don't like to shop much. That's what made Saturday such a strange day for me. Friday was a bad day. There are a bunch of reasons why but I won't get into those here. It's a day I hope not to repeat anytime soon. Saturday morning started off pretty rough too. Adrian went to go golfing with his brother and about 5 minutes after he left I realized my keys were in his van. I then missed my run because the kids wanted to snuggle (that part is good), then Meag asked to go computer shopping. This is actually where my day turned around. I got ready and off we went. Part way through the trip we decided to stop in at our cellphone provider and see what the cost of upgrades for our phones would be. We weren't totally sure what we wanted but knew it would either be android or Iphone. I figured it would end up being nothing because it would cost too much. Well two minutes into the store and we were waiting patiently for two new Iphones (4s not 5). Very exciting indeed. As much as I hate shopping I love new toys:) I've been playing with my new toy ever since and am very happy with it!!!
I've kept up my end of the deal very well with the exercise and food this week. I have exercised 5 times and eaten much better. Less junk and more good food!!
I've kept up my end of the deal very well with the exercise and food this week. I have exercised 5 times and eaten much better. Less junk and more good food!!
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Broken Records!
I'm beginning to feel like a broken record!! I keep committing to doing better only to take two steps back and have to start over again. This post is kind of one of those posts. I decided last week that September was going to be a new start for me and so far I'm doing well. This week has been exceptionally good despite the issues I've been having with my knee. I've worked out three nights in a row and have been eating amazing!! I've snacked little and kept things nutritious. I've been careful not to snack in the evenings and have been guzzling water like it's going out of style. I'm very happy with all of this!! I just really hope I can keep the momentum going.
About my knee!! I mentioned a bit ago that I was having trouble and was seeing the Chiropractor about it. Well last week things seemed to be getting a lot better. I was almost totally pain free after my workouts and by the next day there was nothing. I was doing my adductor stretches and icing as instructed. Then Sunday got here. We took the girls to the park and I was going to run after the fun. Well that didn't go as planned! At the park I stepped down from a curb and felt a sharp pain in my knee. It felt okay a few minutes later but got tight and uncomfortable after a bit. Monday it was getting better but was tight after the gym. When I told the chiropractor about it he referred to what happened as our bodies "oh fuck reflex". It's when your body thinks it's going to get hurt and something tenses up but then forgets to release. It's a very technical term I know!!! So last night I ran and it felt okay but not great. Today was scary!!! The whole inside of my thigh and knee were super tight and sore. I wasn't sure what to do but was instructed to stretch and ice as much as I could. I did that and found that the more I moved the better it felt. So off to the gym tonight and 25 minutes on the elliptical followed by some super stretching and it feels 100 times better. I'll ice like crazy tonight and hope for a good run tomorrow. It's a staff meeting day so that means a fair amount of sitting. I'm going to have to get up and stretch a lot during the meeting and keep my ice pack going but I think it should be okay.
If things don't go well tomorrow I'll just keep icing and stretching. I won't let this get the better of me. I'm feeling good and plan to stay that way.
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Just Like New!
I think I mentioned a while back that my knee was causing me some problems. I finally went to see my wonderful chiropractor a couple of weeks ago and he diagnosed a type of Bursitis. I honestly can't tell you the exact name because he said it so fast. Whatever it was he said it wasn't terrible and was very treatable. I've been back a few times and there was significant improvement after just one visit. The really exciting part though came today when I went to the gym. I was a bit tight when I arrived so I did the prescribed stretch before my elliptical workout and did it again immediately after. I finished my workout and went to the grocery store. As I got out of the car I realized that it didn't hurt at all. I then tested it out a bit with different things that used to make it really hurt and found barely any pain!!! I'm so super excited because that means things are getting better. I'm going to run first thing tomorrow and see how that goes. I'll be stretching like crazy to make sure it doesn't tighten up again and hopefully this will be the end of the pain:)
Monday, 3 September 2012
I realized this morning that I haven't blogged in a bit. It's been a busy week and a bit in our house with summer wrapping up. This past week I chose to do fun stuff with the kids after work instead of exercise. We had lots of fun and enjoyed the cooler evening temps. We went to the carousel with friends, played outside and just enjoyed being together. We finished up back to school shopping and prepared for Anna to return to school. Grade One's going to be a big change for her but I think it will be great. Then the end of the week arrived and it was time for a special birthday! Christina turned three on Saturday and we had a great day with a wonderful party. Her group of friends that we have been playing with since she was 2 months old came and some of our close friends and family. It was a wonderful day that I think everyone enjoyed. She got spoiled rotten and crashed hard when it was bedtime.
Today we're heading out to one last pool party of the season then it's home to get ready for school tomorrow. Not only is Anna starting Grade One but Meag is starting college!!! I'm so excited for her even though she's not. I think she's just nervous about the unknown. I remember college well and she's going to the same school I did. She's going to have a great time.
I always feel like September is a time for new beginnings and I'm looking forward to being rejuvenated. I've been working with Geoff to fix my bursitis problem in my right leg and it seems to be helping a lot. Tomorrow is the start of the new clinics at Runners' Edge and I'm looking at it as a new start to my running. It's no secret that I majorly slacked off this summer but I really feel like getting back into the school routine and getting back to basics will make a big difference. The evenings have been cooler and with Fall around the corner I'm looking forward to being out there watching the season change. Fall is by far my favorite season so I'm going to use that to motivate me.
Good Luck to everyone who is returning to school or teaching tomorrow!!!
Today we're heading out to one last pool party of the season then it's home to get ready for school tomorrow. Not only is Anna starting Grade One but Meag is starting college!!! I'm so excited for her even though she's not. I think she's just nervous about the unknown. I remember college well and she's going to the same school I did. She's going to have a great time.
I always feel like September is a time for new beginnings and I'm looking forward to being rejuvenated. I've been working with Geoff to fix my bursitis problem in my right leg and it seems to be helping a lot. Tomorrow is the start of the new clinics at Runners' Edge and I'm looking at it as a new start to my running. It's no secret that I majorly slacked off this summer but I really feel like getting back into the school routine and getting back to basics will make a big difference. The evenings have been cooler and with Fall around the corner I'm looking forward to being out there watching the season change. Fall is by far my favorite season so I'm going to use that to motivate me.
Good Luck to everyone who is returning to school or teaching tomorrow!!!
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Slow Down!
Time is suddenly going by way to fast! I just realized that it is once again Thursday and not only did I not post a weigh in but I haven't actually weighed myself in days. I know it's going to be bad news anyway. I have been exercising but my routine is all out of whack, I'm eating like a pig and I'm not eating enough good things. I also can't believe that school starts in just over a week!
Things I have learned this summer:
1. I need routine.
2. Having teenagers at the house for 3 weeks is very expensive in the food department.
3. I enjoy many vegetarian dishes.
4. It's far to easy to get lazy.
5. It's super hard to get back on track.
6. Morning workouts are more fun.
7. Exercising in the morning leaves me with too muchsnack free time in the evening!
I'm sure I learned a whole lot more but right now those are the main things. I will be so happy when our routine is back on track!
Things I have learned this summer:
1. I need routine.
2. Having teenagers at the house for 3 weeks is very expensive in the food department.
3. I enjoy many vegetarian dishes.
4. It's far to easy to get lazy.
5. It's super hard to get back on track.
6. Morning workouts are more fun.
7. Exercising in the morning leaves me with too much
I'm sure I learned a whole lot more but right now those are the main things. I will be so happy when our routine is back on track!
Thursday, 16 August 2012
It's Thursday.
I just realized that I forgot to post my weigh in yesterday! It's been a crazy week of early mornings and not quite early enough bedtimes. We had to run out on Tuesday night and arrange for delivery of a new couch. Then last night we promised the girls a trip to the park. They had a great time and we took our time wandering back home. By the time we got them to bed and I got organized for today I just totally forgot to post. So here's the quick version of my weigh in.
I have stayed the same for the second week in a row which makes me very happy because I was on vacation and that seems to spell disaster most times. I think the fact that there are teenagers in the house that eat all the junk before I realize it's there has made a big difference. Let's see how things go when they go home!
I have stayed the same for the second week in a row which makes me very happy because I was on vacation and that seems to spell disaster most times. I think the fact that there are teenagers in the house that eat all the junk before I realize it's there has made a big difference. Let's see how things go when they go home!
Sunday, 12 August 2012
New Routine Time:)
Tomorrow is the start of my new (short term)routine. I will be going to the gym and running in the mornings for the next two weeks at least. With the big kids here visiting I feel like we should be home in the evenings as much as possible but I don't want to give up my exercise. I already have my breakfast and lunch for tomorrow packed and ready to go. I have my bag for the gym packed and my purse packed with what I need for work. I'm excited for this new routine and hoping that it will give me a renewed energy. I always feel great after exercising so I'm hoping that I use those endorphin's to get me through the day. I'm worried though that I'm going to like this new routine too much and in a couple of weeks I'll be disappointed because it's not a routine that can continue when the school year starts. This week I have the luxury of heading straight to work from the gym but next week I have to come back home after to pick my mom up and take her to work. It will only change my routine so much as the 5 extra minutes it will take to come back and get her. Run days will be a bit easier because I will come home to shower and have breakfast before going to work. When the routine will really have to change is when Adrian has to work early and I have to take Anna to school. Those days he has to leave at 6:30am so I have to be here. Those days we can go after work and that will be fine with me. The other thing that might change my routine back to evenings is the fact that the girls have programs at the Y that they enjoy going to in the evenings. I'm sure it will all work itself out. I can handle change very well so I will just go with whatever works for us at the time.
Now to hope I don't fall asleep at work tomorrow afternoon!!!
Thursday, 9 August 2012
What's My Problem??
I don't understand why I have been having such a hard time finding the motivation to get back on track with running!!! Since June 3rd I have run a dozen times at the very most. Every time I do I feel fantastic so what the heck is my problem?? Tonight I ran to Anna's soccer game and again I feel so much better. I feel less tired than before and my body feels pretty good. It didn't feel great while I was out there but that's because I'm not running enough. Next week I plan to start getting up at 5:30am to go to the gym and to run. We'll see how that goes but I'm hoping that it will be good and I can keep that routine up for at least two weeks. Once the big kids go home I can go back to my regular routine for the Y. The little girls love their programs there and as of September 1st Christina gets to move up to the next program. She'll be very happy with that.
For now though I will push myself to get up Saturday morning to run with the group and then Monday starts the early mornings. I'm sure by the end of the first week I'll be passing out at my desk. Hopefully after that though it will get easier. Who knows if it works out really well I might just continue to get up and run early in the morning even after the big kids go home!!
For now though I will push myself to get up Saturday morning to run with the group and then Monday starts the early mornings. I'm sure by the end of the first week I'll be passing out at my desk. Hopefully after that though it will get easier. Who knows if it works out really well I might just continue to get up and run early in the morning even after the big kids go home!!
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Another week off:)
The big kids came back on Sunday so I've taken this week off. We're not doing anything special but it's always nice to just hang out. We've been watching the Olympics and I'm so excited to watch the Men's Marathon on Sunday. I've watched a lot of the running events and they are so inspiring. It amazes me that some of these runners can run in 10 seconds what it takes me close to 1 minute to complete. I have no delusions that I will ever be able to run that fast but I sure will try to run harder. This week has been a bit tricky as far as workouts go. With the big kids here and Adrian working I feel like I should be here. I'm sure I'll figure out a time though. Next week I'll be up with the sun to make sure I can get things in. That way I can come straight home from work and spend the evenings with the kiddies.
It's also almost Christina's birthday!! It's so hard to believe that she is going to be 3:) I'm so excited for her party this year. She is so aware of what is going on around her and by the time we get to hers we will have been to three of her friends parties. She knows exactly what is coming and talks about it everyday.
This week was not a successful weightloss week but it hasn't been horrible. I'm at the same weight as last week which makes me pretty happy considering I went to ribfest twice and have been snacking a bit more than usual. The good thing happening right now is that Ashlee has decided to give being vegetarian a try. There are about a million vegetarian dishes that I have either tried or wanted to try and now I have the perfect excuse to make them. I have been trying to find a way to cut down on the meat our family eats and to increase the vegetables. This is the perfect opportunity to work on that. I said a week or so ago to my mom that we were going to start having two meatless meals a week. I have some very picky kids that will turn their noses up at anything that looks different. I will find a way to make get them on board with this change. The fun part is that Anna actually likes things that no one thinks kids should like. She also freaks out if there is something she doesn't like on her plate. We're working on the rule that you have to try everything at least once.
I'm hoping this change will renewed drive and will help all of us feel better for the long term.
It's also almost Christina's birthday!! It's so hard to believe that she is going to be 3:) I'm so excited for her party this year. She is so aware of what is going on around her and by the time we get to hers we will have been to three of her friends parties. She knows exactly what is coming and talks about it everyday.
This week was not a successful weightloss week but it hasn't been horrible. I'm at the same weight as last week which makes me pretty happy considering I went to ribfest twice and have been snacking a bit more than usual. The good thing happening right now is that Ashlee has decided to give being vegetarian a try. There are about a million vegetarian dishes that I have either tried or wanted to try and now I have the perfect excuse to make them. I have been trying to find a way to cut down on the meat our family eats and to increase the vegetables. This is the perfect opportunity to work on that. I said a week or so ago to my mom that we were going to start having two meatless meals a week. I have some very picky kids that will turn their noses up at anything that looks different. I will find a way to make get them on board with this change. The fun part is that Anna actually likes things that no one thinks kids should like. She also freaks out if there is something she doesn't like on her plate. We're working on the rule that you have to try everything at least once.
I'm hoping this change will renewed drive and will help all of us feel better for the long term.
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
Wednesday is Weigh day:)
It's been an interesting couple of days for us! Monday we had to take Adryanna to McMaster. This time it wasn't for her heart this time though. About 6 months ago when I was giving her a bath I saw a lump in her groin. As most mothers would I had an internal freak out, then called her dad in to show him. We decided to take her to the doctor the next day. The next morning when I looked to see if it was bigger or the same I found that it was gone completely! YAY!!! Or not so YAY. That night I looked again and there it was. So I called the doctor and got her an appointment. Of course when we got there it was totally gone. He said possibly a hernia but as long as it kept going away not to worry. It has come and go almost daily since then but it's always gone in the morning. When we went to the doctor a couple months ago for a totally unrelated issue and Adrian asked if I had ever mentioned it to the doctor (he doesn't have the most fantastic memory). The doctor looked again and again he couldn't see or feel anything. He did however decide that perhaps we should have her checked out by the surgeons to decide if it was a hernia. Since she has a heart defect any possible surgery has to be done at McMaster so we were sent there.
This brings us back to Monday. Within a few minutes and a quick exam they said she did indeed have an Inguinal Hernia. The best explanation is that we are all born with these little tubes that come down into our groin from our abdomen. In girls they serve no purpose and in boys they guide the testicles into the right spot. In most kids these tubes close in the first year or so after birth. In some they don't close at all. Adryanna is one of those ones:) The really interesting part for me is that it's not just her intestine that is falling in. It could be an ovary, Fallopian tube or her intestine. It could also be something else that happens to wiggle it's way down there. We were given instructions to reduce it if it's bothering her and what to do if we can't. She has been placed on the wait list for surgery and should have it done in six months unless it gets worse. I'm happy with that time frame. If it was bothering her I might push for sooner but since it's not I'm not going to bother.
All of this did not interfere with our exercise. As soon as we left the hospital she asked if we were going to make it back in time for the Y. I have gotten back on track pretty well. I'm still not making it to running as much as I would like but you have to take what you can get. This weeks weigh in shows the results of my renewed commitment too! Last week I was at 237 and this week I am at 235.6. That's a great loss in my books!
This brings us back to Monday. Within a few minutes and a quick exam they said she did indeed have an Inguinal Hernia. The best explanation is that we are all born with these little tubes that come down into our groin from our abdomen. In girls they serve no purpose and in boys they guide the testicles into the right spot. In most kids these tubes close in the first year or so after birth. In some they don't close at all. Adryanna is one of those ones:) The really interesting part for me is that it's not just her intestine that is falling in. It could be an ovary, Fallopian tube or her intestine. It could also be something else that happens to wiggle it's way down there. We were given instructions to reduce it if it's bothering her and what to do if we can't. She has been placed on the wait list for surgery and should have it done in six months unless it gets worse. I'm happy with that time frame. If it was bothering her I might push for sooner but since it's not I'm not going to bother.
All of this did not interfere with our exercise. As soon as we left the hospital she asked if we were going to make it back in time for the Y. I have gotten back on track pretty well. I'm still not making it to running as much as I would like but you have to take what you can get. This weeks weigh in shows the results of my renewed commitment too! Last week I was at 237 and this week I am at 235.6. That's a great loss in my books!
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Weigh in Wednesday!
Before I post my weigh in I have to share my troubles with you. Occasionally I get aches and pains from running. They are usually the good, I really worked hard, pains but sometimes they feel like more. Take my big toes for instance. The nails are in such a state that I can't wear shoes other than sandals or my runners. If I wear my runners I must remember not to push my toes against the top or end of them. I tried yesterday to wear my cute little black flats but they are tighter in the toe area and oh my goodness did they hurt. Sometimes I wake up in the night and they are throbbing, probably from kicking Adrian in my sleep. I'm hoping this issue resolves itself soon or my toes toughen up some.
My new pain is in my knee. I'm sure any of my non-runner friends would say "I told you running was bad for your knees" however I'm not convinced this is from running. I actually think that it's from twisting it a bit getting out of the car. The reason I think that is because that was the first time I noticed the pain and today, when it was at its worst, getting out of the car was the most painful. So when I got to work I quickly sent a message off to my wonderful chiropractor, Geoff, and being the impatient person I am I asked Céline if she had any suggestions. The fun part is they both gave me the exact same answer. I spent the day icing and applying Voltaren. It seems better now than it did this morning and working out at the gym didn't hurt at all. I'm hoping that it goes away quick. If it still hurts by the weekend I'm going to make an appointment with Geoff.
As for this weeks weigh in I'm happy. I knew that a lot, if not all, of the weight I lost when I was sick would come back. Last week I was at 236 and this week I'm up one pound to 237 but I'm not at all worried about it. I hadn't eaten as well as I should and snacked a bit too much. I have a new favorite treat but have no self control. Dark Chocolate Mint Cups!! Kind of like a mini peanut butter cup but dark chocolate and mint. I tried them at work first and then saw them at the store and bought some. That will not be happening again!!! Now they are gone though and I hope next weeks number will be much smaller. Now I am off to make a wonderful new dish to take for my lunch tomorrow. I'm so excited!!!
My new pain is in my knee. I'm sure any of my non-runner friends would say "I told you running was bad for your knees" however I'm not convinced this is from running. I actually think that it's from twisting it a bit getting out of the car. The reason I think that is because that was the first time I noticed the pain and today, when it was at its worst, getting out of the car was the most painful. So when I got to work I quickly sent a message off to my wonderful chiropractor, Geoff, and being the impatient person I am I asked Céline if she had any suggestions. The fun part is they both gave me the exact same answer. I spent the day icing and applying Voltaren. It seems better now than it did this morning and working out at the gym didn't hurt at all. I'm hoping that it goes away quick. If it still hurts by the weekend I'm going to make an appointment with Geoff.
As for this weeks weigh in I'm happy. I knew that a lot, if not all, of the weight I lost when I was sick would come back. Last week I was at 236 and this week I'm up one pound to 237 but I'm not at all worried about it. I hadn't eaten as well as I should and snacked a bit too much. I have a new favorite treat but have no self control. Dark Chocolate Mint Cups!! Kind of like a mini peanut butter cup but dark chocolate and mint. I tried them at work first and then saw them at the store and bought some. That will not be happening again!!! Now they are gone though and I hope next weeks number will be much smaller. Now I am off to make a wonderful new dish to take for my lunch tomorrow. I'm so excited!!!
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Who would have guessed????
I'm becoming an athlete!! I am constantly amazed with myself and my physical abilities. A year ago I was struggling to run three days a week and training for a 10k race. It was hard, sometimes it was really, really hard! The thought of trying to exercise more than my three runs was near impossible. I was tired and at times wondered if I could actually do it. I had days where I didn't even feel like I was a runner. On the worst days I had little bits of inspiration that pushed me out the door. I remember one particular day when I just didn't feel like running and was feeling horrible about it. I walked out the door at work and along came Doug, a fellow runner, trotting along like it was nothing. I took that as a sign and pushed myself that day. There were other little things that helped me along the way. After race day I felt like I could do anything though and decided that I would indeed run a half marathon. Just one! Just to say I did it!!!
This summer started off kind of rough. Running was sporadic after the Half. I ran short bits here and there but nothing consistent. When I finally felt like I was back I got sick and knocked on my butt for days. Last week I was better and decided that it was time to give it my all. That first trip to the gym was a bit scary. I had been so sick and it had only been about 24hrs since I started eating again. I took things easy and things felt really good. Tuesday was crazy hot so I stayed home instead of running but from there on I've been back to my regular routine.
What amazes me about all of this is how quickly I'm able to get back to my old times and distances. It took me a year to get to running 10k and after almost 6 weeks off I will be back to it, if not this weekend, next weekend for sure. I ran 5k on Saturday and it was tough but if I had really wanted to I could have pushed further. Tonight I did just shy of 6k and it felt great. My routine at the gym is right back to where I was and I'm even finding some of it easy! The really crazy part is that a few of the ladies at running tonight have me half convinced to run a fall half marathon. They are running the Road2Hope in Hamilton in November. I'll think about it. I had decided I wasn't going to do one because I didn't want to travel and the ones here don't work with my pace or schedule. This one would work with my schedule and is apparently mostly downhill. Sounds like my kind of race:) Who knows maybe I'll be writing a post in a few months about my second half marathon!!! So much for just one eh???
Now to figure out how to make my big toes stop hurting!!!
This summer started off kind of rough. Running was sporadic after the Half. I ran short bits here and there but nothing consistent. When I finally felt like I was back I got sick and knocked on my butt for days. Last week I was better and decided that it was time to give it my all. That first trip to the gym was a bit scary. I had been so sick and it had only been about 24hrs since I started eating again. I took things easy and things felt really good. Tuesday was crazy hot so I stayed home instead of running but from there on I've been back to my regular routine.
What amazes me about all of this is how quickly I'm able to get back to my old times and distances. It took me a year to get to running 10k and after almost 6 weeks off I will be back to it, if not this weekend, next weekend for sure. I ran 5k on Saturday and it was tough but if I had really wanted to I could have pushed further. Tonight I did just shy of 6k and it felt great. My routine at the gym is right back to where I was and I'm even finding some of it easy! The really crazy part is that a few of the ladies at running tonight have me half convinced to run a fall half marathon. They are running the Road2Hope in Hamilton in November. I'll think about it. I had decided I wasn't going to do one because I didn't want to travel and the ones here don't work with my pace or schedule. This one would work with my schedule and is apparently mostly downhill. Sounds like my kind of race:) Who knows maybe I'll be writing a post in a few months about my second half marathon!!! So much for just one eh???
Now to figure out how to make my big toes stop hurting!!!
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Elephant's Sitting On My Chest
Last week when I started feeling sick I stopped taking my iron because I thought that might be the problem. I take iron almost everyday because I get quite low iron and the best guess at why is that I have very heavy periods. Well I didn't start taking the iron again until the middle of this week because I wanted to give my tummy a chance to recover fully. The down side (and sorry for too much information) is that I got my period just as the illness stopped.
When my iron gets low I can tell in many different ways but one that I didn't even know was a symptom a year ago is that my running gets so much more difficult. My legs get heavy, I get totally exhausted and it's so much harder to breath. Today's run was one of those runs where I felt like there was an elephant sitting on my chest. It wasn't humid but at some points it felt like I was trying to breath through a mask. At first I thought it was just because I've been such a lazy pants the last few weeks and I'm sure that had something to do with it but I think more of the problem is low iron. The wonderful thing is that my doctors are all on the same page where this is concerned and they have all given the same instructions for what to do and when. So I'll follow the plan and hopefully by Tuesday things will be better.
On another note it felt so good to be out there this morning. I kept it to 5k which is the most I have run since my half. I plan to up to 6 or 7k on Tuesday and then 8k next Saturday. I have been running long enough and have enough mileage behind me to know that I can run further and that I don't need to spend too much time building up. I have decided not to officially train for a fall race but will focus on becoming a stronger runner. I'm going to work up to 10k then push myself to get faster. I'll keep my weekend long runs at 10k or further. I got an email that registration for the Niagara Falls Women's Half opens on August 1st and I will be registering as soon as possible. It's not until June 2, 2013 though so I'm sure I'll do some shorter races just to keep motivated.
I think I mentioned in a post earlier this week that I was going to do a bunch of shopping and then prep all the veggies ahead so that things will be easier for the week. So this morning on the way home from running I stopped at the market. I love that we can get so many local fruits and veggies. I bought peaches, plums, cantaloupe, green beans, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, celery and sweet potatoes. Yesterday Adrian bought a bunch of stuff at the grocery store too. I spent the rest of the morning preparing veggies and I now have a fridge full of deliciousness. I also have beets roasting in the toaster oven and will do sweet potatoes later today. I'm so excited for the week ahead and I think my body will be pretty happy too!
When my iron gets low I can tell in many different ways but one that I didn't even know was a symptom a year ago is that my running gets so much more difficult. My legs get heavy, I get totally exhausted and it's so much harder to breath. Today's run was one of those runs where I felt like there was an elephant sitting on my chest. It wasn't humid but at some points it felt like I was trying to breath through a mask. At first I thought it was just because I've been such a lazy pants the last few weeks and I'm sure that had something to do with it but I think more of the problem is low iron. The wonderful thing is that my doctors are all on the same page where this is concerned and they have all given the same instructions for what to do and when. So I'll follow the plan and hopefully by Tuesday things will be better.
On another note it felt so good to be out there this morning. I kept it to 5k which is the most I have run since my half. I plan to up to 6 or 7k on Tuesday and then 8k next Saturday. I have been running long enough and have enough mileage behind me to know that I can run further and that I don't need to spend too much time building up. I have decided not to officially train for a fall race but will focus on becoming a stronger runner. I'm going to work up to 10k then push myself to get faster. I'll keep my weekend long runs at 10k or further. I got an email that registration for the Niagara Falls Women's Half opens on August 1st and I will be registering as soon as possible. It's not until June 2, 2013 though so I'm sure I'll do some shorter races just to keep motivated.
I think I mentioned in a post earlier this week that I was going to do a bunch of shopping and then prep all the veggies ahead so that things will be easier for the week. So this morning on the way home from running I stopped at the market. I love that we can get so many local fruits and veggies. I bought peaches, plums, cantaloupe, green beans, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, celery and sweet potatoes. Yesterday Adrian bought a bunch of stuff at the grocery store too. I spent the rest of the morning preparing veggies and I now have a fridge full of deliciousness. I also have beets roasting in the toaster oven and will do sweet potatoes later today. I'm so excited for the week ahead and I think my body will be pretty happy too!
Thursday, 19 July 2012
I Ran Again:)
As I've mentioned more than once I have not been running much since my Half Marathon. It's now been almost 7 weeks since I ran consistently and it's really, really time to get back at it. Last week I tried to get back out there and had a pretty good run on Tuesday night but then got so very sick on Thursday and couldn't run the rest of my runs that week. This past Tuesday I had planned to run with the group but then it was something like 46 degrees with the humidex and I decided my lungs would be happier if I stayed home. Tonight however I got home from work, changed and headed out the door. Adryanna had soccer at 6pm and they are expected to be there about 20 minutes early to practice. I left with enough time to run to the soccer field and meet Adrian and the girls when they got there. It felt great!!! It was definitely a short run but it was a good run. I only had two problems. One, the run was too short and Two, my right leg felt dead. It was a weird heavy feeling. Just the lower part of my leg and mostly around the ankle. I felt like I might be retaining some water earlier in the day so I'm assuming that was the problem. When I got to the soccer field I needed to pee and somehow managed to go three times during the hour long game. By the end my ankle felt normal again. I'm going to run again on Saturday morning and plan to run at least 6k. I want to be able to run 10k next weekend so I need to push a bit. If I have any pain or heaviness in my ankle I'll ask Benny or one of the other leaders for help but I expect if I drink my water tomorrow and watch my salt intake I should be fine.
I need a race to sign up for so that I can keep myself going!!!!
I need a race to sign up for so that I can keep myself going!!!!
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
One Year Ago
I realized today that it has been one year (and two days) since I first ventured into the blogging world. It hasn't turned out quite the way I expected but I'm still happy with it. Blogging has given me a place to track my progress, it has given me some accountability and it certainly has kept me motivated.
Looking back at this year I may not have come terribly far in the weight loss department. Actually I think I have probably not come far at all. I have however grown as a person and my physical activity certainly has increased. Last summer I was squeezing out 3 runs a week when I was doing well. This summer (now that I'm back at it) I'll be running 3 days a week and going to the gym 3 days a week. Last summer I was training for my first ever 10k and this summer I have completed a Half Marathon. I'm much more aware of what I'm eating and while I am currently very disappointed with many of the choices I am making, I know that it is easy to get back on track.
My plan this weekend is to buy and prepare a fridge full of fresh fruits and veggies. I'm much more likely to eat this kind of thing if it is ready and waiting in the fridge. I am also going to make a few of my favorite quick snacks and fuel powered meals. This way I'll be ready for the week and come time to make lunches it will be quick and easy. This won't just benefit me either. Anna is going to day camp for the next two weeks and it's all outdoor activities. She's going to need lots of good healthy food to keep her going.
So in a year not much has changed except that I am much more self aware and exercising way more than I used to. I feel good and look forward to what the next year will bring. I hope you enjoy the journey with me:)
Looking back at this year I may not have come terribly far in the weight loss department. Actually I think I have probably not come far at all. I have however grown as a person and my physical activity certainly has increased. Last summer I was squeezing out 3 runs a week when I was doing well. This summer (now that I'm back at it) I'll be running 3 days a week and going to the gym 3 days a week. Last summer I was training for my first ever 10k and this summer I have completed a Half Marathon. I'm much more aware of what I'm eating and while I am currently very disappointed with many of the choices I am making, I know that it is easy to get back on track.
My plan this weekend is to buy and prepare a fridge full of fresh fruits and veggies. I'm much more likely to eat this kind of thing if it is ready and waiting in the fridge. I am also going to make a few of my favorite quick snacks and fuel powered meals. This way I'll be ready for the week and come time to make lunches it will be quick and easy. This won't just benefit me either. Anna is going to day camp for the next two weeks and it's all outdoor activities. She's going to need lots of good healthy food to keep her going.
So in a year not much has changed except that I am much more self aware and exercising way more than I used to. I feel good and look forward to what the next year will bring. I hope you enjoy the journey with me:)
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Another week and new weigh in!
Time for the weigh in post. I'm still disappointed in the fact that I let things get so out of hand after my half in June but I'm happy to get getting back on track. looking back at my last picture post I had gained almost 8lbs not the 7lbs I thought it was. I was up to 241!!! That's insane! Last Tuesday I weighed in at 238 and today I'm down to 236. On the weekend I was down to 232 but that was all from the illness. This week I will get myself back into routine and I will get this weight loss journey heading in the right direction again. I have to, my life depends on it!
Monday, 16 July 2012
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back!
Why is it that when I fall off the wagon and finally try to get back on something always goes wrong?? Last week started out excellent in the eating and exercise department. I made it to the Y twice and ran with the group on Tuesday. My plan for the rest of the week was to run home from Anna's soccer game on Thursday, run with the group in Niagara on the Lake on Saturday and the Y on Sunday. I was so looking forward to Saturday's run. The path the group ran is a beautiful tree lined path just beside the river. I've never run it before and it was looking to be a great change of scenery. I didn't even mind the thought of leaving the house by 6:30am on a Saturday. Then it hit!! Somewhere, some how I caught a stomach bug. Now I was in denial for the first day or so. I have a very sensitive stomach to begin with and deal with some pretty intense pain at times so I thought nothing of it the first day or so that it was bothering me. My first line of defense was to stop taking iron for a few days. By the time Thursday afternoon arrived I knew I was sick though and packed myself up for the day. I came home, took some meds and dragged myself to Anna's soccer game. I hate to miss things like that. By bedtime I had chills but was still in some denial. I got everything ready for work the next day. By morning I knew I was out for the count. I called in sick, cancelled appointments, sent the kids off to camp and daycare then set myself up on the couch with a pillow, blanket and book. I stayed there (mostly) until Sunday morning!!! It was horrific! I had no appetite at all and no energy to do anything. I finally forced myself to eat something Saturday night and Sunday ate fairly well. Today I seem to be back to normal and even attempted a trip to the gym.
This is where the tricky part comes in though. I feel fine now but knowing that I went most of three days without eating and only drinking small amounts tells me that I shouldn't push things to far. I kept my cardio workout slower than usual and cut the time down from 35 minutes to 20 minutes. I did all of my usual weight machines but cut the reps from 15 to 10 or 12 on most of them. A couple felt really easy so I did the full 15. I'm at a loss for what to do for running tomorrow though. I know that going early in the morning isn't going to be an option because I'm still pretty tired and have a hard time getting up on a good day. I know that tomorrow is expected to be the hottest day of the week so part of me says it won't kill me to skip it but the other part says it is not ok. I think my plan right now might be to wait until the girls are in bed and go for a short run then. Hopefully by 8:30pm it will be cool enough to be reasonable. I'll keep it to 30 minutes tops and push a bit further on Thursday night after soccer.
I had every intention of posting a weigh in this week and I will probably do that tomorrow but I don't know that I can count the numbers as being a real reflection of anything. I said last week that I had gained a few pounds when I got lazy for a few weeks. Being sick got rid of all of that but I don't trust it. Last week when I weighed myself I had gained about 6lbs since my last picture post. Last night when I weighed myself I had lost 7lbs in less than a week. Obviously this is from being sick so I'll weigh in tomorrow and post a picture as soon as I have time but I will not worry if I gain a couple of pounds back in the next week. It's just not natural to lose that much weight in a week and I'm sure that nothing can stop some of it from coming back.
This is where the tricky part comes in though. I feel fine now but knowing that I went most of three days without eating and only drinking small amounts tells me that I shouldn't push things to far. I kept my cardio workout slower than usual and cut the time down from 35 minutes to 20 minutes. I did all of my usual weight machines but cut the reps from 15 to 10 or 12 on most of them. A couple felt really easy so I did the full 15. I'm at a loss for what to do for running tomorrow though. I know that going early in the morning isn't going to be an option because I'm still pretty tired and have a hard time getting up on a good day. I know that tomorrow is expected to be the hottest day of the week so part of me says it won't kill me to skip it but the other part says it is not ok. I think my plan right now might be to wait until the girls are in bed and go for a short run then. Hopefully by 8:30pm it will be cool enough to be reasonable. I'll keep it to 30 minutes tops and push a bit further on Thursday night after soccer.
I had every intention of posting a weigh in this week and I will probably do that tomorrow but I don't know that I can count the numbers as being a real reflection of anything. I said last week that I had gained a few pounds when I got lazy for a few weeks. Being sick got rid of all of that but I don't trust it. Last week when I weighed myself I had gained about 6lbs since my last picture post. Last night when I weighed myself I had lost 7lbs in less than a week. Obviously this is from being sick so I'll weigh in tomorrow and post a picture as soon as I have time but I will not worry if I gain a couple of pounds back in the next week. It's just not natural to lose that much weight in a week and I'm sure that nothing can stop some of it from coming back.
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Excuses, Excuses, NO MORE EXCUSES!!!
This week is my new beginning (again). It's been something like 6 weeks since my Half Marathon and I have now run twice, maybe three times. I have been to the YMCA about 4 times. I have had a whole world of excuses and most are valid but this is the end. There is no reason I can't run in the morning on days where I can't run at night. The only night I should have to miss is Thursday because Anna has soccer. Realistically I could run after soccer too. I have thought about running home from the soccer games. It's only about 3k if I go the long way but it's better than nothing.
Tonight was my first run back with Runners' Edge and while I knew I missed the group I didn't realize how much. It was like coming home after a long time away. As soon as I got there I felt better about not running. No one yelled at me for missing so much and no one criticized me for being a lazy pants. They just welcomed me back and told me they were happy to see me. The run, however, was not so good. My legs were stiff and muscles were tight. I had a strange tightness in the back of my knees which I was quickly told was hamstring pain. As soon as I started to stretch my hamstrings screamed at me. I have been instructed by our faithful chiropractor to stretch, stretch, stretch over the next few days and if they still hurt come Saturday I will make an appointment. I'm pretty confident the stretching will take care of things. I'm wondering too if the pain is from the slight heals I was wearing today. I'll make sure to wear flats for the next few days and hope that helps.
While we were stretching before the run Benny approached me and immediately I thought he was going to give me crap for not being there for weeks. It wouldn't have been real trouble, more a joking kind of thing but as it turns out that wasn't what he wanted at all. He wanted to ask me if I would mind being video recorded doing an interview about my time with Runners' Edge! Hell Yes!!! I like to tell everyone who will listen how great they have been helping me and how wonderful they all are. I couldn't have gotten where I am today without their help. So in the near future I will be preparing for my interview. He said that they are sort of promotional video's that will be posted on Youtube and such. I think that's awesome!! Once things are done I will certainly post here to share with everyone.
Over the past few weeks I have fallen off the wagon posting my weigh in pictures. This is in part because I have been avoiding the scale and in part shame that the number has done nothing but climb. Like I said earlier though it's time to get back on track and the pictures will be back.
Tonight was my first run back with Runners' Edge and while I knew I missed the group I didn't realize how much. It was like coming home after a long time away. As soon as I got there I felt better about not running. No one yelled at me for missing so much and no one criticized me for being a lazy pants. They just welcomed me back and told me they were happy to see me. The run, however, was not so good. My legs were stiff and muscles were tight. I had a strange tightness in the back of my knees which I was quickly told was hamstring pain. As soon as I started to stretch my hamstrings screamed at me. I have been instructed by our faithful chiropractor to stretch, stretch, stretch over the next few days and if they still hurt come Saturday I will make an appointment. I'm pretty confident the stretching will take care of things. I'm wondering too if the pain is from the slight heals I was wearing today. I'll make sure to wear flats for the next few days and hope that helps.
While we were stretching before the run Benny approached me and immediately I thought he was going to give me crap for not being there for weeks. It wouldn't have been real trouble, more a joking kind of thing but as it turns out that wasn't what he wanted at all. He wanted to ask me if I would mind being video recorded doing an interview about my time with Runners' Edge! Hell Yes!!! I like to tell everyone who will listen how great they have been helping me and how wonderful they all are. I couldn't have gotten where I am today without their help. So in the near future I will be preparing for my interview. He said that they are sort of promotional video's that will be posted on Youtube and such. I think that's awesome!! Once things are done I will certainly post here to share with everyone.
Over the past few weeks I have fallen off the wagon posting my weigh in pictures. This is in part because I have been avoiding the scale and in part shame that the number has done nothing but climb. Like I said earlier though it's time to get back on track and the pictures will be back.
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Vacations are Hard Work:)
I've been on vacation this week and boy has it been tiring:) I think the hardest part has been staying up way past my bedtime almost every night! It's been a very fun week though.
We had a week of fun starting with a wedding then continuing with lots of fun activities. We went to Fort George, Happy Rolph's, the Avondale Ice Cream Bar, Safari Niagara, the carousel and the beach. My brother is a bad influence though because we also went to the bar more than once. For those that don't actually know me I used to love going to the bar but in the last few years our trips out have been few and far between. It has been a fun time though and while I will enjoy the quiet and getting back to routine I will miss the fun we've had this week.
I really need to get back to a routine too. We haven't been to the gym and I have not been running. I need to get back to things. I haven't weighed myself all week but I'm hoping there isn't much damage. We didn't eat horribly and we were busy enough that I didn't snack all day. I think I should be ok but we'll see when I get back on the scale.
Here are a few pictures from our week:)
We had a week of fun starting with a wedding then continuing with lots of fun activities. We went to Fort George, Happy Rolph's, the Avondale Ice Cream Bar, Safari Niagara, the carousel and the beach. My brother is a bad influence though because we also went to the bar more than once. For those that don't actually know me I used to love going to the bar but in the last few years our trips out have been few and far between. It has been a fun time though and while I will enjoy the quiet and getting back to routine I will miss the fun we've had this week.
I really need to get back to a routine too. We haven't been to the gym and I have not been running. I need to get back to things. I haven't weighed myself all week but I'm hoping there isn't much damage. We didn't eat horribly and we were busy enough that I didn't snack all day. I think I should be ok but we'll see when I get back on the scale.
Here are a few pictures from our week:)
Cutest Flower Girls Ever!!! |
This picture was so hard to get! |
Beautiful Meaghan:) |
Anna:) |
Three of my Four Beautiful Girls |
Feeding the Giraffe. Yuck! |
The two little girls and their Gram:) |
Monday, 2 July 2012
A Beautiful Wedding
Yesterday was my brother's wedding day!! It was an absolutely gorgeous day with just the right temperatures and lots of sunshine. They got married at a small historic chapel and the reception at our favorite little restaurant.
The day started with hair and makeup at home. It was so nice not to have to run around getting ready. We had sandwiches, fruit and veggies for everyone to eat while they got ready. The little girls went first and had beautiful curls done. Then it was time for the adults. Emily (the Bride) went last of course. She wasn't sure what she wanted and had never met Krista (the stylist) before but what they came up with was absolutely beautiful!!
Next it was time to get dressed and head to the chapel. Emily and the little girls got dressed at the chapel because it just seemed like the right choice. We got the little girls dressed first and then it was Emily's turn. Everyone looked amazing! Anna and Christina were flower girls and had little white dresses with a navy sash. They did a wonderful job and behaved very well for the ceremony. They were pretty crazy during the pictures and everyone got to see me at my finest (read sarcasm).
The reception was great! Everyone arrived right on time and the service was amazing. Emily had never been to the restaurant before and I was so glad that she enjoyed the meal.
This week I'm on vacation and we will be visiting with my brother and his family while they are still here. We're going to do some day trips and somewhat just relax. It's going to be a good week!!
I didn't take any pictures at the wedding because I was trying to control my crazies but I'll share some once the professional onces are ready.
The day started with hair and makeup at home. It was so nice not to have to run around getting ready. We had sandwiches, fruit and veggies for everyone to eat while they got ready. The little girls went first and had beautiful curls done. Then it was time for the adults. Emily (the Bride) went last of course. She wasn't sure what she wanted and had never met Krista (the stylist) before but what they came up with was absolutely beautiful!!
Next it was time to get dressed and head to the chapel. Emily and the little girls got dressed at the chapel because it just seemed like the right choice. We got the little girls dressed first and then it was Emily's turn. Everyone looked amazing! Anna and Christina were flower girls and had little white dresses with a navy sash. They did a wonderful job and behaved very well for the ceremony. They were pretty crazy during the pictures and everyone got to see me at my finest (read sarcasm).
The reception was great! Everyone arrived right on time and the service was amazing. Emily had never been to the restaurant before and I was so glad that she enjoyed the meal.
This week I'm on vacation and we will be visiting with my brother and his family while they are still here. We're going to do some day trips and somewhat just relax. It's going to be a good week!!
I didn't take any pictures at the wedding because I was trying to control my crazies but I'll share some once the professional onces are ready.
Monday, 25 June 2012
A Tropical Storm, A Wedding and Back to Basics!!
I'm feeling a bit better about things now that I am back to basics. I went to the gym twice and finally ran again. Last Wednesday we hit the gym again after a month or so off. I was so happy to be back and everything felt good. I think I really needed the break. Thursday and Friday my upper body was pleasantly sore and my legs were a bit tired. Saturday morning I got up and went for my first post race run. It was tough, I had been warned that it would be so I wasn't terribly surprised. I kept it short and will probably push further tomorrow night. Sunday we were back to the gym again and then went swimming at my in-laws. That was nice after the gym.
This week is going to be a bit nutty but it will all be worth it. Sunday is my brother's wedding and we have to finish some preparation for it, pick the kids up, clean the house and get the girls ready. Anna and Christina are going to be flower girls for the first time and are looking forward to it. They can both be a bit shy when it comes to new people so I was a bit worried about what they would be like walking down the aisle but Céline is the photographer and they both know her well. She has done all of our family photography so when they see her at the front of the church they will know exactly what to do. The wedding is going to be beautiful. The ceremony is being held a at the historic Queenston Chapel and the pictures are being done close by at the Mackenzie Printery and Newspaper Museum. The cool part is that their last name (my maiden name) is MacKenzie. This was not done on purpose it was just a happy coincidence. The reception is being held at Joe Feta's and their food is amazing!! The thing that I found out yesterday that I think is really cool is that Joe Feta's is being profiled on a Food Network show two days before the wedding. It's going to be a great day and then I'm on vacation for a week. We have several things planned for that week but it's all fun stuff.
Before the wedding gets here though Tropical Storm Debby needs to clear out of Florida because that is where the Bride and Groom have to come from. Everyone keep your fingers crossed!!! It rolled in this past weekend and when I looked last it seemed to have stalled of the shore of Florida and is expected to inch its way inland through out the week. Here's hoping it either dies or changes course quick!!!
This week is going to be a bit nutty but it will all be worth it. Sunday is my brother's wedding and we have to finish some preparation for it, pick the kids up, clean the house and get the girls ready. Anna and Christina are going to be flower girls for the first time and are looking forward to it. They can both be a bit shy when it comes to new people so I was a bit worried about what they would be like walking down the aisle but Céline is the photographer and they both know her well. She has done all of our family photography so when they see her at the front of the church they will know exactly what to do. The wedding is going to be beautiful. The ceremony is being held a at the historic Queenston Chapel and the pictures are being done close by at the Mackenzie Printery and Newspaper Museum. The cool part is that their last name (my maiden name) is MacKenzie. This was not done on purpose it was just a happy coincidence. The reception is being held at Joe Feta's and their food is amazing!! The thing that I found out yesterday that I think is really cool is that Joe Feta's is being profiled on a Food Network show two days before the wedding. It's going to be a great day and then I'm on vacation for a week. We have several things planned for that week but it's all fun stuff.
Before the wedding gets here though Tropical Storm Debby needs to clear out of Florida because that is where the Bride and Groom have to come from. Everyone keep your fingers crossed!!! It rolled in this past weekend and when I looked last it seemed to have stalled of the shore of Florida and is expected to inch its way inland through out the week. Here's hoping it either dies or changes course quick!!!
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Must. Get. Back. On. Track.
We are now two and a half weeks post race and I have completely fallen off the wagon. I haven't run, I haven't been to the gym and I have gained 5lbs!!! This is not a good thing. I'm making a world of excuses and it's time to stop. The only valid one I have isn't even really good. We're in the middle of a nasty heat wave and right now all you have to do is step out the door and you feel damp. It's that humid. I just read that it is 43 degrees Celsius with the humidex. That's insane. I can't run when it's that hot because my lungs will not make it. Now that being said I could get my butt out of bed early and run which is exactly what I plan to do tomorrow. Tonight on the other hand we will be running home, changing, eating and heading back to the YMCA. There is no excuse not to go there. I'm going to see about getting Anna signed up for two weeks of day camp and then I am going to work my butt off. I have a wedding to go to in two weeks and I would like to drop a couple of these extra pounds before I get there.
It's back to basics for this gal!! Perhaps it's time to sign up for another race to keep me motivated:)
It's back to basics for this gal!! Perhaps it's time to sign up for another race to keep me motivated:)
Sunday, 17 June 2012
A Super Special Little Baby!
Just over a month ago, the night before Mother's Day, Adrian and I were relaxing on the couch watching a movie when the phone rang. Our phone rarely rings and almost never at that time of night. Adrian got up and checked the name. He looked a bit puzzled when he answered and then handed me the phone. It was one of our best friends calling and she had some big news.
Rewind about 6 years, Adryanna was just a baby and that same dear friend was starting to plan a family of her own. She had married a wonderful man the year before we got married and now they had decided it was time to start trying for a baby. What none of us knew at that point was the crazy roller coaster they were getting on. Infertility is an ugly beast and attacks some of the most wonderful people. Over the next couple of years they tried everything. They met with specialists and had lots of tests done. She found out that there were some things causing them not to conceive and after much time and pain (both emotional and physical) they decided that it was time to look at other options.
About a year and a half ago (maybe longer but it doesn't seem like it) I got a call from her asking if Adrian and I would be references for their adoption application. Of course we would!!! We wanted nothing for them but happiness. So shortly after the form came in the mail and we filled it out and sent it in. During this process we started thinking about guardians for our kids and it just seemed right that we ask them. Our girls love them to death and I know they would give them the life we have always wanted for them. We asked and they said yes. Back to the original story though:) We filled out the forms and they did all the classes and home study stuff that they needed to do to be approved for adoption. Then came the waiting.
Just a couple of months ago I was at the YMCA with her and we were talking about the wait. There had been one call but it wasn't the right match. She expressed that she just didn't think it was going to happen. She said it was a gut feeling. I said she was nuts! I knew that one day they would get to be Mommy and Daddy. Well that day came sooner than they expected. Only just over a year after completing the application they got the call they had been waiting for. They had been chosen to be parents of a beautiful baby.
What followed has been a crazy ride. Most parents get 9 months to prepare for baby to come home. They had something like 9 days. They're amazing and have amazing family and friends. Everyone is just so excited for them. Last weekend another friend, her sister, mother and I threw a shower for them. The outpouring of wonderful stuff that they got was amazing! They are starting to settle in to their new routine and are doing amazing. They are such natural parents and it's so great to see them with their little bundle.
I've been asked not to post pictures or names at this time but I can assure you that it is the most beautiful baby and will be so loved by everyone around. This truly is a blessing:)
Rewind about 6 years, Adryanna was just a baby and that same dear friend was starting to plan a family of her own. She had married a wonderful man the year before we got married and now they had decided it was time to start trying for a baby. What none of us knew at that point was the crazy roller coaster they were getting on. Infertility is an ugly beast and attacks some of the most wonderful people. Over the next couple of years they tried everything. They met with specialists and had lots of tests done. She found out that there were some things causing them not to conceive and after much time and pain (both emotional and physical) they decided that it was time to look at other options.
About a year and a half ago (maybe longer but it doesn't seem like it) I got a call from her asking if Adrian and I would be references for their adoption application. Of course we would!!! We wanted nothing for them but happiness. So shortly after the form came in the mail and we filled it out and sent it in. During this process we started thinking about guardians for our kids and it just seemed right that we ask them. Our girls love them to death and I know they would give them the life we have always wanted for them. We asked and they said yes. Back to the original story though:) We filled out the forms and they did all the classes and home study stuff that they needed to do to be approved for adoption. Then came the waiting.
Just a couple of months ago I was at the YMCA with her and we were talking about the wait. There had been one call but it wasn't the right match. She expressed that she just didn't think it was going to happen. She said it was a gut feeling. I said she was nuts! I knew that one day they would get to be Mommy and Daddy. Well that day came sooner than they expected. Only just over a year after completing the application they got the call they had been waiting for. They had been chosen to be parents of a beautiful baby.
What followed has been a crazy ride. Most parents get 9 months to prepare for baby to come home. They had something like 9 days. They're amazing and have amazing family and friends. Everyone is just so excited for them. Last weekend another friend, her sister, mother and I threw a shower for them. The outpouring of wonderful stuff that they got was amazing! They are starting to settle in to their new routine and are doing amazing. They are such natural parents and it's so great to see them with their little bundle.
I've been asked not to post pictures or names at this time but I can assure you that it is the most beautiful baby and will be so loved by everyone around. This truly is a blessing:)
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Post Race Lazy Pants:(
It's almost two weeks post race and I have yet to get my butt back out running. I realize that last week we were to take it easy and recover and this week was just meant to be short runs but I just haven't gotten to them yet. I'm full of excuses and none of them all that good since I was really only supposed run 20 or 30 minutes so far. I've just been lazy. I have been busy in the evenings but that's not really a good excuse when you're only supposed to run a short time. I must get out of bed Saturday morning and get out there. Then next week I need to get my butt back to the gym.
I have also totally fallen off the wagon in the food department. I've been lazy about making lunch and have spent far too much time snacking and eating junk. I haven't even taken a picture of the scale this week because I'm so frustrated with myself. Every day I've said that this is it, tomorrow morning will be better and I will eat properly. I really need to get back on track. I need to go out and buy a bunch of super healthy, super tasty food to get a kick start going. I also need to drink more water again. I had a tragedy the day before my race and broke the top of my favorite water bottle. I wrote to the company to find out if I could get a new one but haven't heard back so I'm assuming it's a no go. I'll have to go buy a new one soon but until then I need to find one of the old ones to use.
So here's to another new beginning and getting back on track. The upside to all of this is that I've gotten better at catching myself before I get really out of control and gain a bunch of weight back.
I have also totally fallen off the wagon in the food department. I've been lazy about making lunch and have spent far too much time snacking and eating junk. I haven't even taken a picture of the scale this week because I'm so frustrated with myself. Every day I've said that this is it, tomorrow morning will be better and I will eat properly. I really need to get back on track. I need to go out and buy a bunch of super healthy, super tasty food to get a kick start going. I also need to drink more water again. I had a tragedy the day before my race and broke the top of my favorite water bottle. I wrote to the company to find out if I could get a new one but haven't heard back so I'm assuming it's a no go. I'll have to go buy a new one soon but until then I need to find one of the old ones to use.
So here's to another new beginning and getting back on track. The upside to all of this is that I've gotten better at catching myself before I get really out of control and gain a bunch of weight back.
Monday, 11 June 2012
Drinking in the Dirt 13
This past weekend we went camping with my brother in law and a group of friends. It's a trip that they started back in 2000 and it has grown over the years. We have been 6 times now and have a great time each year. The girls have a great time and get to meet and spend time with other kids. We get to spend time with adults and not worry so much about what the kids are doing.
We arrived later on Thursday evening and quickly set up. The girls were very happy to see Uncle Marc and to see that there were already a couple of other kids there. Anna made friends with Molly and Christina just followed them around. They were both tired and asked to go to bed shortly after we arrived. We stayed up and had some drinks with the rest of the adults. I went to bed too late but it was a fun night.
Friday started too early with the girls wide awake as soon as the sun came up. After we realized that they just weren't going back to sleep we goofed around in the tent for a bit watching silly videos that I have taken of them with my phone. Once other people started getting up we went out and had some breakfast. We hiked our way to the showers and played at the funky playground. The equipment is very old school fun. By the time we got back to the site Aunt Zuzi had arrived and the girls were happy to see her too. We had lunch, played for the afternoon. The kids were excited to go back to the playground after dinner then to roast marshmallows. The fun part of camping is that we usually let them stay up until they ask to go to bed which usually is way later than bedtime but not too late. I think they were in bed about 10pm each night which I don't think is terrible.
Saturday morning we woke up to rain but it didn't last long. Adrian took the girls out of the tent and let me sleep until breakfast was ready. There is nothing better than bacon and eggs for breakfast when you're camping. Once the rain cleared up it was a beautiful day. We stayed at the site for most of the day and spent time chatting and playing. The girls hung out in "Fun Towne" playing with the other kids. After dinner they did a scavenger hunt and the prizes were fun glow necklaces that they very much loved. Again there was a fire and marshmallows.
Sunday we packed up first thing and headed out. The girls are already talking about next year and I'm planning how to keep them better protected from the bugs. The poor kids both have horrible allergic reactions to mosquito bites. Christina's eye swelled shut from one on her cheek and she couldn't walk last night because her leg was so swollen. Anna's ankle got the worst of it but they are both getting regular doses of benadryl and should be back to normal quick. I took them in to the doctor today just to make sure it's nothing more. He gave us a good plan of attack for the future so hopefully it will all work out well.
I didn't weigh myself this morning because honestly I was a bit afraid. I didn't eat much this weekend other than my meals and a couple of snacks but I wasn't very active aside from the hikes through the forest to the showers and the playing at the park. I also drank way too much alcohol and not nearly enough water. Tomorrow is another day though and I'll face the scale in the morning:)
This week I also get to start running again. Just short distances but it will be nice to be back out there. I've enjoyed my rest week and enjoy the fact that I'm not really planning to train for anything this summer. I think for now I will just run for the fun of it and worry about training for a race in a couple of months.
We arrived later on Thursday evening and quickly set up. The girls were very happy to see Uncle Marc and to see that there were already a couple of other kids there. Anna made friends with Molly and Christina just followed them around. They were both tired and asked to go to bed shortly after we arrived. We stayed up and had some drinks with the rest of the adults. I went to bed too late but it was a fun night.
The signs that were made for the kids area |
Playing on the swings |
Yummy marshmallow!! |
I didn't weigh myself this morning because honestly I was a bit afraid. I didn't eat much this weekend other than my meals and a couple of snacks but I wasn't very active aside from the hikes through the forest to the showers and the playing at the park. I also drank way too much alcohol and not nearly enough water. Tomorrow is another day though and I'll face the scale in the morning:)
This week I also get to start running again. Just short distances but it will be nice to be back out there. I've enjoyed my rest week and enjoy the fact that I'm not really planning to train for anything this summer. I think for now I will just run for the fun of it and worry about training for a race in a couple of months.
Thursday, 7 June 2012
All Back To Normal
I am on day four of Half Marathon recovery and everything is totally back to normal. My legs feel great and I'm ready to run. That will have to wait a few days though. We're heading out for our annual camping trip at Turkey Point. We meet a few other families and have a weekend of relaxing and fun. I'll make sure to get myself moving though. The kids are all getting big enough now that we can go for some good long walks around the campgrounds. There is a playground there that is a bit of a hike for us but since the kids are bigger we can walk to it now. I'm looking forward to this weekend!
Sorry I didn't post a picture this week. I fixed the scale and all is well once again. I don't have a good picture to post but I'll tell you it would have shown 233.4 which is down almost a pound. I think I gained a little bit in that one week in between weigh ins but I'm back on track this week. That's the good part to running my first half. I want to do it again and I want to do it faster. To do that I need to shed some of this extra weight.
Sorry I didn't post a picture this week. I fixed the scale and all is well once again. I don't have a good picture to post but I'll tell you it would have shown 233.4 which is down almost a pound. I think I gained a little bit in that one week in between weigh ins but I'm back on track this week. That's the good part to running my first half. I want to do it again and I want to do it faster. To do that I need to shed some of this extra weight.
Monday, 4 June 2012
Recovery Day One
I woke up this morning feeling very refreshed. After the race yesterday we came home and rested for a bit then we were off to a post race dinner with the group. What a wonderful group of people!! It was an amazing meal and so much fun. We came home and put the kids to bed then relaxed a bit before heading to bed ourselves.
I was worried when I woke up. My body felt good!! I half expected to wake up in the night and not be able to move but I was pleasantly surprised. I'm stiff and a bit sore but nothing terrible. Things got a bit tighter as the day went on and I sat at my desk but when things started to feel uncomfortable I got up and wandered around the office for a minute. Right now my right leg is more sore than anything else. The sad part was that I couldn't wear regular shoes today because my big toes hurt, rather my big toenails hurt. I'm currently wearing blue nail polish so I can't tell but I'm afraid my nails might still be blue if they weren't polished. Hopefully they will feel better tomorrow.
I expected the pain and stiffness, I expected to be tired, what I didn't expect was the outpouring of support I have received. The amount of facebook comments and the amount of people who have read here today has blown me away. I knew that the Runners' Edge gang was amazing but just how amazing was beyond what I could ever imagine. I checked in here today to find that my "pageviews" had more than quadrupled from what my normal daily views are. I then found that it was because someone had posted a link to my blog on the Runners' Edge homepage!!! WOW!! Now of course not everyone to comment or to read is from running but probably 3/4 of them are. So to all the people who have shown me support over the last few days Thank You!! I can never express how much it means to me to know that there are so many people rooting for me to succeed!
I was worried when I woke up. My body felt good!! I half expected to wake up in the night and not be able to move but I was pleasantly surprised. I'm stiff and a bit sore but nothing terrible. Things got a bit tighter as the day went on and I sat at my desk but when things started to feel uncomfortable I got up and wandered around the office for a minute. Right now my right leg is more sore than anything else. The sad part was that I couldn't wear regular shoes today because my big toes hurt, rather my big toenails hurt. I'm currently wearing blue nail polish so I can't tell but I'm afraid my nails might still be blue if they weren't polished. Hopefully they will feel better tomorrow.
I expected the pain and stiffness, I expected to be tired, what I didn't expect was the outpouring of support I have received. The amount of facebook comments and the amount of people who have read here today has blown me away. I knew that the Runners' Edge gang was amazing but just how amazing was beyond what I could ever imagine. I checked in here today to find that my "pageviews" had more than quadrupled from what my normal daily views are. I then found that it was because someone had posted a link to my blog on the Runners' Edge homepage!!! WOW!! Now of course not everyone to comment or to read is from running but probably 3/4 of them are. So to all the people who have shown me support over the last few days Thank You!! I can never express how much it means to me to know that there are so many people rooting for me to succeed!
Sunday, 3 June 2012
My First Half Marathon:)
I woke up bright and early this morning to some yucky weather. It was cool, cloudy and a little bit rainy but I had to get up anyway. Today was the big race!!! I was out the door at 6:15am and on my way to an amazing day. I got to Niagara Falls at about 6:45am and wondered how I was going to find the Runners' Edge gang in the huge parking lot. I then had a little giggle when I got out of the car and saw Benny parked two cars over. That was easy, probably the last easy thing I would do today. We hung around chatting for a few minutes then it was time to warm up. Once we were all warmed up it was time to head to the starting line and get ready. I got into the area that was designated for my pace and chatted with a couple of the other ladies from our group. Next thing we knew it was just about time to start. Before we could start though the Laura Secord Drum Line parted the group and lead us off. Now it was really time to start. The timer started and we were off!
I felt really good from the beginning and was a bit faster than usual. I knew this was a bad thing but it was a slight downhill and it felt right. At about 2.5k or so I saw the ever familiar blue jackets of the Runners' Edge support people. I said it was like a beacon of safety throughout the race and I don't know what I would have done without them out there. I was able to run my fastest 5k and still felt strong. At about 7k I was getting a bit tired and it was time for a GU. I walked a minute to eat that and have some water then it was off and running again. Things were pretty uneventful until about 11k when I got a rock in my shoe and had to stop. I got the rock out but tied my shoe to tight so I had to stop again. I still felt okay but was starting to fade. I made it to almost 14k and decided it was time for another GU. All this time the blue jackets were popping up all over the place. Just around 14k I started to have a pain in the outside bottom of my foot and had to walk off and on for a while. At about 16k along came Benny on his bike. He stayed with me until almost 18k and chatted away. It made the time go quicker and I was just thankful to have the support. At 19k I ate the most delicious orange slice of my life, at 20k I found Benny and Geoff encouraging me along the last 1k and next thing I knew I was rounding the corner and could see the finish line.
Everyone was there waiting for me and it was so awesome!! Adrian, Meaghan, Celine and the little girls were on one side of the road and the rest of the Runners' Edge group was on the other. It was very hard not to cry at this point but I managed. I had just enough steam left for a sort of sprint to the finish.
The end was full of hugs and tears but it was one of the happiest moments of my running life so far. I was so honoured that so many people waited just to see me cross that line. It really means the world to me that so many people care about me and want to see me do well. Here are a few pictures of my wonderful day:)
I felt really good from the beginning and was a bit faster than usual. I knew this was a bad thing but it was a slight downhill and it felt right. At about 2.5k or so I saw the ever familiar blue jackets of the Runners' Edge support people. I said it was like a beacon of safety throughout the race and I don't know what I would have done without them out there. I was able to run my fastest 5k and still felt strong. At about 7k I was getting a bit tired and it was time for a GU. I walked a minute to eat that and have some water then it was off and running again. Things were pretty uneventful until about 11k when I got a rock in my shoe and had to stop. I got the rock out but tied my shoe to tight so I had to stop again. I still felt okay but was starting to fade. I made it to almost 14k and decided it was time for another GU. All this time the blue jackets were popping up all over the place. Just around 14k I started to have a pain in the outside bottom of my foot and had to walk off and on for a while. At about 16k along came Benny on his bike. He stayed with me until almost 18k and chatted away. It made the time go quicker and I was just thankful to have the support. At 19k I ate the most delicious orange slice of my life, at 20k I found Benny and Geoff encouraging me along the last 1k and next thing I knew I was rounding the corner and could see the finish line.
Everyone was there waiting for me and it was so awesome!! Adrian, Meaghan, Celine and the little girls were on one side of the road and the rest of the Runners' Edge group was on the other. It was very hard not to cry at this point but I managed. I had just enough steam left for a sort of sprint to the finish.
The end was full of hugs and tears but it was one of the happiest moments of my running life so far. I was so honoured that so many people waited just to see me cross that line. It really means the world to me that so many people care about me and want to see me do well. Here are a few pictures of my wonderful day:)
Almost to the finish:) |
All done!!! |
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Race Bib |
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The beautiful medal:) |
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Tomorrow is the big day!!!
Sixteen weeks ago I started training for this half marathon and now it's here. I can't believe how fast the time has gone!!! I have trained, learned and grown over the last four months and tomorrow will be the real test of all that hard work. Right now I feel a strange sense of calm. I know that there is nothing I can do now to change the outcome tomorrow. I have gotten everything together, my ipod and garmin are charged and ready to go, the plan for the family is as ready as it can be and I'm just calm. I'm sure all of that will change when I try to go to bed tonight but for now I feel confident that I can do this. I won't be fast, I won't win any medals but I will finish and that's all that matters. So check back tomorrow night or Monday for a race recap. I'm sure it will be exciting:)
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
It's Race Week!
Well race week is upon me and I'm fluctuating between freaking out and total calm. Last night I ran 5k in the ridiculous heat and while I was hot and a quite tired at the end I felt pretty good. I have a new mantra that I was chanting in my head, "You've got this", and it was helpful. I really felt like I could do this race. I think I'm going to be fine. The weather looks almost perfect and my legs and body feel great. I have a game plan and that's the most important part. Now I just need to figure out a plan for my family that day and all will be perfect. I want them there for the whole thing but I know that 3.5hrs is a long time for little kids. I need to scope out the route for parks and places that they can watch but be entertained at the same time, AND I need to plan snacks for them. The little ones are grazers and like to eat little amounts all. day. long! I will need to make a trip to the grocery store and stock up on fruit for them I think. Once I have them figured out I will relax more and be able to enjoy myself. It's going to be an emotional day but it will be worth every last second of it!
I'm sorry to say I don't have a picture this week. Something is going on with my scale and I don't trust the numbers on it. I thought something was off a week or so ago but thought nothing of it until I did a pre/post run weigh in just for kicks. It was terribly hot and I was sweating like crazy during my run but when I did the post run weight it was 4lbs higher than the pre-run weight. That didn't seem right at all. So I started weighing myself at random points during the day. I know weight should fluctuate during the day but what I'm seeing is just bizarre. It will fluctuate up to 4lbs in a matter of an hour. It's less than a year old but it has been bashed around a bit by the kids goofing around so I think I might just buy a new one that is better and a bit more durable. Hopefully next week I'll have things sorted out and a new picture for my post.
I'm sorry to say I don't have a picture this week. Something is going on with my scale and I don't trust the numbers on it. I thought something was off a week or so ago but thought nothing of it until I did a pre/post run weigh in just for kicks. It was terribly hot and I was sweating like crazy during my run but when I did the post run weight it was 4lbs higher than the pre-run weight. That didn't seem right at all. So I started weighing myself at random points during the day. I know weight should fluctuate during the day but what I'm seeing is just bizarre. It will fluctuate up to 4lbs in a matter of an hour. It's less than a year old but it has been bashed around a bit by the kids goofing around so I think I might just buy a new one that is better and a bit more durable. Hopefully next week I'll have things sorted out and a new picture for my post.
Monday, 28 May 2012
Where has the time gone??
Ten and a half years ago Adrian decided it was time for me to meet his kids. They were 2, 4 and 8 at that time and I was terrified. I figured I could win the two and four year old over pretty easy but the 8 year old scared the heck out of me. Kids that age tend to be fiercely protective of their parents and because she lived with her mom and only had short visits with her dad I figured I was in for a treat. I was worried that she would hate me on principle and that I would have to really work at things. Now things weren't all rosy but for the most part we have always gotten along amazingly. She did pull a couple of little things like reminding me that I wasn't "technically family" when we went to the movies the first time and I said it was no wonder families don't go anymore because it's too expensive. Then there was the time we went to Happy Rolph's and the Carousel, on the way home she said to Adrian that they should all go there with her mom sometime. She meant for him to come too and leave me at home. Those were the only two times I remember her being bratty like that though. We hit it off really well and I can't imagine life without her. We can spend time together and I sometimes forget that I am supposed to be the parental figure. I got the privilege of taking her for her first tattoo and have gotten to watch her grow up from that little 8 year old girl to a beautiful 19 year old women. Last year she came to live with us I was so excited. She had been going through a rough patch and needed a change of scenery. I was so happy that she chose our house to be that change. I think it has been a really good move for her. She went back to highschool for one more semester and has met some great people and is getting awesome marks. She is going to college in September too!! I'm so proud of who she has become and everything she does. For those of you who haven't figured it out yet that little 8 year old girl is Meaghan and today is her 19th birthday. Happy Birthday Meagy!!! Thank you for welcoming me into your life and for just being you. I love you more than you'll ever know:)
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
Ten Days??
How did this happen? Only 10 days left until the Niagara Falls Women's Half? Holy Moly!!! It seems like just yesterday that I was signing up and had something like 17 weeks to train. I am now down to four training runs. Last nights run was a toughie, it was hot and humid, I was tired and it didn't take long before I decided that to save my lunch I was going to need to cut things a bit short. Of course when I got back to the store and finished stretching I felt great and was mad that I didn't push a bit harder. I know that come race day I will push and my body will push back but I will win. After last nights pathetic run I found this picture very funny!!
Last week I got a bit lazy and ate a bit crappy. We had lots of fun this past weekend but lots of food too. I didn't go to the gym once and haven't this week either. I'm really trying not to over exercise in the next couple of weeks because I don't want to hurt myself too close to race day. I need to remember that I'm not exercising so much though when I go to eat that extra snack or that second helping of dinner. However I can't complain too much about this weeks picture and I know that be the end of next week it will be gone if not sooner.
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This just seems right today:) |
Last week I got a bit lazy and ate a bit crappy. We had lots of fun this past weekend but lots of food too. I didn't go to the gym once and haven't this week either. I'm really trying not to over exercise in the next couple of weeks because I don't want to hurt myself too close to race day. I need to remember that I'm not exercising so much though when I go to eat that extra snack or that second helping of dinner. However I can't complain too much about this weeks picture and I know that be the end of next week it will be gone if not sooner.
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Don't you love the kitty prints on my toes though? |
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