Tuesday 6 November 2012

Well Hello There:)

Wow it's been a while since I posted!!  I haven't forgotten about the blogging world but I just haven't had much to write.  Things are the same as last time I posted.  Still going to the gym and working out.  I haven't been running as much.  I'm blaming that mostly on a huge brain block where I felt like I had to run with the group or not at all.  In the last couple of weeks I've identified that as a problem now I just have to get out there and run.  I have to find my motivation again and I know that to do that I have to lace up the shoes and hit the pavement.  I know that the minute I step out the door and feel that wonderful rush of the fresh, late fall air I will remember what I love so much about running.  It's the getting out the door that has become the problem.  I know I can do it and will do it.  I just need to do it.  Tomorrow is a Y night but Thursday looks like a free and clear day so hopefully I can get my butt in gear and get out there.

Tonight would have been a running night but it was parent/teacher interview and I felt like coming home as a family and spending the night together was important.  I had no surprises at the interview.  Anna is doing fantastic at school and is, for lack of a better word, the teachers pet.  She is having no problems except for being a Chatty Cathy (I have NO idea where she gets that from lol).  I'm very proud of her and hope that she retains this love of school.  One of my favorite things is that she is a natural leader.  I have always known that but it's nice to hear that.  Her teacher said she is respectful to everyone, encourages her friends to do things and is always eager to work and help.  She is a rule follower but will also question things to understand better.  Her school work is always done when needed and she is right where she should be if not ahead of the game.

Anna has two surgeries coming up in the next year or so and one of my biggest worries was her missing too much school and falling behind.  Her teacher laid that worry to rest today when she said that Anna could miss an entire week of school and have no issues.  We go for pre-op for the first surgery next week.  I'm hoping that she has the actual surgery over the Christmas break so that she doesn't have to miss but if it lands during school time I won't worry so much now.

The teachers have all loved Anna so far.  She is a calm, happy child who focuses when she needs to and gets things done.  She is a rule follower and listens well.  Next year Christina starts school:)  Those teachers have no clue what they are in for next ;)

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