Tuesday 31 January 2012


This past week I told you that I have joined the Y and have been working out way more than I had in a very long time.  I exercised 6 out of 7 days and when I say exercised I mean sweat pouring off of me kind of sweat.  I have been pretty good about not eating junk but did allow myself a bit of extra food this week.  Meaghan works at my most favorite restaurant and I did get something to eat a couple of times when she finished work but that's not a new thing.  So what the heck is with the lack of weight loss?  I know that I had more salt than usual this past weekend and I know that I haven't been getting quite enough fibre so those could both be contributing factors.  I also know that next week should be "the week" and that can cause some serious issues for me.  On the other hand I set a goal a the beginning of the month to lose 7lbs and with this weeks weigh in I'm at 5.6lbs so I guess this week's minimal loss isn't so bad.  Don't get me wrong I am super proud of the fact that I managed to lose 5.6lbs in a month.  I'm happy that I spent the day today sitting in jeans that a few weeks ago  would have caused me crazy amounts of pain and discomfort after only a couple of hours.  I just don't get why in the week I burned the most calories I had the least weight loss.  Maybe it's for all of the reasons above or maybe I'm just not eating as well as I thought (I will admit I didn't track my food much last week).  Whatever the case I will continue to work as hard as I have the past week and I will not be discouraged by the numbers on the scale because really I have lost 5.6lbs in the month of January and that is a huge accomplishment!!! 

0.2lb loss is better than 0.2lb gain I suppose:)

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