Friday 6 January 2012

It's Friday!

This week sure has flown by!  I can't believe that it's day 5 of Do Life Challenge 2012:)  I have stuck to my goals very well this week and have completed not just 120 minutes of exercise but 150 minutes and I still have my Saturday morning run to complete.  I think next week I'm going to have to look at the Intermediate/Advanced exercise challenge.  Never in my life would I have expected to write that last sentence!!! 

I'm so excited for my run tomorrow too!  It's been weeks since I have run with the wonderful people at Runners' Edge:)  It's going to be beautiful weather too!  Can you believe that it's 6 degrees at 8:41am on January 6th?  That's insane! 

Tonight is movie night with Anna and I think we might watch it snuggled up in bed instead of on the couch.  I always resisted getting a TV for our room but now that I have it I don't regret it (yet).  It's been nice having the option to snuggle up in bed to watch Anna's movies and it's nice to stick it on and have the news playing in the background while I get ready for work in the morning.  That used to be one of my favorite things before kids.  Now we don't have the TV on in the living room in the mornings or Anna would never make it to school on time.  It doesn't matter what is on that thing is like a magnet for her and if it's on she is so distracted.  Luckily she knows the morning routine and knows that it doesn't get turned on until every last task is complete and then only if there is time.

So if this first week is any indicator it looks like 2012 is going to be as great as I expected!  I hope everyone else gets to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather with some kind of activity this weekend:)  Enjoy!

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