Wednesday 25 January 2012

Better late than never:)

So I said I would post this last night after my run but by the time I got home I just didn't feel like blogging!

I went for my run which was nice but odd.  I felt strange the whole time I was out there.  I may have been over heating or may have not eaten enough good food during the day but after about 3.5k I knew I needed to just stop and walk.  I could breath fine and my legs felt great but my head felt like I was going to float away at any point.  Someone actually passed me and asked if I was ok because I was weaving back and forth. 

I then went for coffee with a friend and enjoyed every minute of it.  It was a friend that I have known for about 12 years and love spending time with her.  We laugh, we cry and we just have fun:)

So here is the picture!!  It's not a huge loss but considering I was sick and didn't move much last week at all I will take it:)

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