Monday 2 January 2012

Day One

Today is the first day of the Do Life Challenge!!  Late last night we were given our challenges for the week and instructions for what we have to do to complete them.  The first in the list is to set five goals for the month.  When I read that part I thought it would be easy peasy.  I was so wrong!!  All day today I thought about it and in between working on things at work I would jot ideas down.  They definitely formed into goals but the tough part is that they are supposed to be quantifiable and I'm not certain that they are.  We then had to look at where we are now in those areas so that we can measure success at the end.  The exercise portion consists of seeing how many push ups we can do at one time (mine was only 3 pathetic push ups) and then I have to do 120 minutes of exercise.  I chose to go in the beginner group for this one because I haven't been exercising as much the past few weeks so I thought to start this I would stick to the lower level.  If I find I do way more this week between running and other stuff I will chose the intermediate/advanced group next week.  The final portion of this weeks challenges is to reflect every night on four things we did well that day.  So tonight my four things that I did well today were that I ate well and didn't turn to junk food at the first opportunity, I played Monopoly Jr with Anna and when Christina wanted to play we found a way to make sure she could join, I engaged with my family instead of plunking down at the computer the minute dinner was cleared away and finally I exercised for just a little bit longer than I planned to:)

This challenge is going to be an interesting one and I think it's just what I need to kick my butt into shape!


  1. The Do Life challenge sounds really motivating. I was motivated just reading about it. Can't wait to read all about the things you get to do.

    And I can't do 2 push-ups so you're ahead of me.

  2. Thanks for being the first person to check out my blog, Selena! I sure appreciate the support. I'm looking forward to participating in the do Life Challenge. I could only do one regular push up, but was able to do 25 modiefied ones. Only better things ahead.

  3. This sounds like a rally great Challenge!! Where did you hear about it??
