Thursday 26 January 2012

I'm a Superhero!!!

Something strange is happening!!  Hopefully this isn't just another phase but I have exercised one way or another 4 days in a row!!  As I believe I mentioned our family joined the Y this past weekend and we have all been very excited about it.  Anna loves the "Busy Buds" program, Christina loves the Play Centre and the adults love everything else. 

I love going so much that some of the exercises I have always seen as hard and annoying are actually fun and exciting.  If you'll remember a couple of weeks ago I had to figure out how many push ups I can do.  I didn't want to do the girly ones because I'm "too cool" for that.  I could only do 3 regular push ups:(  Yesterday I did my 35 minutes on the elliptical then wanted to do some upper body work but had over done some of the weight stuff on Monday so decided I would head up to the top level and do some ab work and play around with the balance ball.  Well there was a mat set up in the corner with a balance ball right there beside it.  I couldn't help but try push ups again but decided it would be ok to do girly ones.  I DID 30!!!  It amazed me how much easier it was!!!  I was so happy that I then decided I was a superhero and did some planks.  We do planks as part of our warm up at running and everyone moans and groans the whole time.  I decided that they weren't so bad and actually did four:)  I made my own little routine doing push ups, planks and ab stuff on the balance ball.  I alternated between the things and it was fun!!! 

Tonight should have been a run but it was yucky out and I'm a big baby sometimes and didn't really feel like getting soggy.  I have been feeling a bit guilty about it so I think I'll pull out the Wii Fit or the dreaded Jillian Michaels game after Anna goes to bed in a few minutes. 

This is a whole new experience for me and it's going to be a wild ride but I'm loving every minute of it!  As I said a few months ago I have started going to the gym and exercising several times over but this time just feels right.  I've been really conscious of what I am putting in my body and not eating the things that I know will create a downward spiral.  I'm not depriving myself either.  I'm making smart choices and it feels great!  The kids are happy, I'm happy and that means everyone else will be happy too!!  It's a good life:)


  1. Yay!!! I'm so so happy for you Selena. Sounds like you've found your groove, have discovered a whole bunch of activities and lifestyle changes that make you feel better and now get to enjoy that awesome feeling of knowing you're done great things for yourself. Amazing isn't it?

    Ummm - you went from 3 to 30 pushups? That's beyond insane. I've never been able to do more than five and have been trying (semi-regularly) for years. You are my hero!

  2. Good for you! You should be very proud.
