Friday 26 August 2016

Nudge, Nudge

Today has been a busy but productive one.  We have a lot going on this weekend.  My stepdaughter and her girlfriend are coming for the night tomorrow, it's our 12th anniversary and Sunday is my daughter's birthday party. Lots to get done with not enough time so this may be a short one.

Sometimes we need a bit of a nudge to get started on something new.  Today I was asked to write about what I would tell someone who wants to start but needs a nudge, or what I would tell myself before starting.  I would tell them it isn't as scary as it sounds and it really isn't that hard.  If you take the time to prepare and give yourself time to shop there are still loads of things you can have.  The other thing I would encourage them is to not look at it as "I can't have..." But as "I can have whatever I want but I am choosing not to have...".  These two things have made a huge difference to me.  I also encourage finding a person or group who is doing the same.  It's been great being able to send a quick email or Facebook message when I have a question or success. 

Having that right mindset is going to be the key but you can't always wait for a click to happen. If you are even considering dropping refined sugars do it.  I happen to know a pretty good support person who can help you get started:)

It has been almost 2 weeks now and I am super excited with the changes I am feeling.  More energy, less craving bad food.  As I said the other day I haven't even really craved sweets much.  I baked a sugar free banana cake today and took a tiny bit off the top when it cooled to see what it tasted like and it was just sweet enough.  Once I get the cream cheese topping on it will be amazing I think.  I will know for sure on Sunday and will let you all know!!

Here's to an amazing, fun filled weekend!!

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