Wednesday 24 August 2016


Flexibility is something I am not good at.  I am not good at it physically and I am worse mentally.  I think I can be flexible but then something happens and I either dig my heals in or go along grudgingly.  It's not something I am proud of but it's the truth. However we have to be flexible at times so I need to learn it.

When it comes to sugar there will be times I will be faced with choices and we all know that denying the things we really want only makes us want them more so I need to be flexible.  I have always believed in the "everything in moderation" rule but these last 10 days I have learned that I don't know how to do sugar in moderation.  Not having it hasn't bothered me at all.  Sure I have missed chocolate but once this initial two week challenge is done I have a recipe for peanut butter cups that uses all natural and good ingredients like honey or maple syrup and is amazing.  What scares me is the fact that I know once I have something sugary I am going to want more and more.  I am hopeful that small amounts of natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup or dates won't have the same effect as the refined sugars.

So back to flexibility, how am I going to do it?  I have spent a good part of today thinking about it.  I know that I never want to go back to what I have just come from.  I feel good and I like that.  I honestly don't know how I am going to be flexible when it comes to sugar. However,  I also know that there will be times that I want something that everyone else is having rather than something "good" but I also know the slippery slope that "just this time" is for me.  So how do I do this?  I guess it will have to take a lot of thought.  For now I think it will look something like this.  If it is something really sugary I will have to consider things like where I am, what it is and how it will make me feel.  If I can have one or two bites and move on or if it is something that will sit on my counter or in the fridge tempting me. If there is something else that is equally yummy and less sugar filled.  If it is something that is going to hurt after I eat it by causing me heartburn or stomach pain it's not worth it no matter how good it tastes.  Sounds like a lot but knowing myself this will honestly take a couple of seconds.  If after I decide I don't want it I feel annoyed or frustrated that I am not having it I may have a taste but not often. 

Then there will be the things that may have added sugar but that I don't have much control over.  Things like sauces at restaurants or if we go somewhere and there becomes no choice around what I eat.  Then I will have to make the best choices I can and move on.  I can preplan all I want and bring things with me when I know there will be things I don't want to eat but there will come a day when I get stuck and I can't just not eat. 

There is also always the option to bring things with me when going to peoples houses.  I can learn to make the things I love with natural sweeteners rather than refined sugar and share them with everyone.

It's all going to be based on overall impact and long term effects.  I know it can be done and I know I can make good choices. 

So that is what flexibility looks like to me. There is a lot of rambling and it all could change depending on situations but all I can do is plan as much as possible, make the best choices and trust my instincts. I don't anticipate making many choices to eat stuff with added sugar but will be open to the fact that I can't always have control.  Really flexibility is also about giving up control sometimes:) 

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