Friday 19 August 2016

Looking Deeper

I have never thought of myself as an emotional eater.  When asked about why I eat I generally say do it from boredom or habit. That is true to an extent however this week I have learned a little more about myself.  I still won't say I am a hugely emotional eater but there have been times that I have wanted something when I wasn't hungry.  Often it came from discomfort. Like being in a place where I felt like people were judging, wondering what I am doing and why. I wanted chocolate!!  The other time was when I was annoyed with someone or something.  It's interesting how it works when you really pay attention.  It's going to be important to have strategies to deal with those things.  Things I am going to try to do are get up and move when I am uncomfortable.  I may have to go back to that situation but I can take the minute to walk and remind myself that whatever it is I am doing is fine and if someone doesn't like it then that is their thing to deal with.  When I am annoyed I will have to recognise that I have a choice to let whatever bother me or to move on and let go.  One of the favourite things someone once said to me is that you get to choose how you react in all situations. So I can react to things by going for food or I can react by moving on. I will choose moving on.

Day 5 is all but done. Today was not a hard day but harder.  I didn't get to the store last night for a few things so I had to buy stuff for lunch.  Instead of fast food I went to the store and picked a veggie box and hummus.  I also wanted some salty crunch and was looking at stuff for my daughter's party.  I found that Tostitos original don't have added sugar so I grabbed some of those.  I shared all my stuff with some volunteers that have been good to people I support.  I left the leftover chips and hummus behind because they are a weakness.

Tomorrow is the weekend and I am ready for some relaxation!

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