Monday 30 April 2012

My First Official Running Injury

My run on Saturday was a hard one.  It wasn't terrible but it was hard and I was tired at the end.  The problem was that I didn't get to just go home and rest after.  I have a family and we needed food not to mention the fact that Meag had a hair appointment.  So I came home, showered and back out the door we went.  I finally sat down at about 2pm.  The whole time we were shopping I had a very annoying pain.  I only felt it when I stepped down and it wasn't a horrible pain just really annoying.  We got home, I sat down and promptly forgot about my pain.  Yesterday we went to the Y and when I put my shoes on there was that pain again.  I pushed through a tough workout then home to do some yard work.  It was a beautiful day and we spent the whole afternoon outside.  It was glorious.  Always there was that nagging little pain though.  So finally when we were inside for the day and dinner was done I decided it was time to get to the bottom of this annoying pain.  I got the tools out and began to investigate.  A few minutes later and I had my answer, then I giggled!

So what is the injury???  I have a terribly bruised and swollen toe nail:)  I giggled because I was once told this is a common problem when running hills but it didn't even cross my mind that it could be what was causing my pain.  Why didn't I notice sooner??  I had dark purple nail polish on!! 
It looks worse in person but there it is

Other than that I'm feeling great after my hard run on Saturday.  We went to the Y yesterday and again tonight.  It's rest week so I didn't do my full workout and opted for an easier cardio workout.  Tomorrow is a short run then I see the chiropractor who will check out a nagging ankle pain I have had off and on.  He is pretty sure it's actually related to the time I broke my foot three years ago.  I might be the clumsiest person you will ever meet and I caught my toe on my pant leg and broke my fifth metatarsal.  It was annoying and four weeks in a cast with a two year old wasn't fun but we managed.  Who would have known that three years later other issues could pop up from it.  The fun part about this is that I don't have pain when I walk or run it's when my ankle isn't supported.  So tomorrow hopefully Geoff can figure it out and start to fix it without too much ugliness.

I'm also happy to show you my picture this week.  Things are really paying off and I'm happy with my results.  I love that on Monday my readers more than double and I assume this is part of what you're looking for.  Have a great week everyone!!!!

My phone was dying this morning and the flash didn't work

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