Tuesday 24 April 2012

Museums, Subways and Fun!

Yesterday we spent the day in Toronto.  As I mentioned we had to go for Adryanna's appointment at Sick Kids.  I am happy to report that as usual she was amazing.  When we got to the hospital for her CT Scan she found out that she would have to have an IV.  I thought she might but I didn't say anything to her because I don't see the need to freak her out.  They said IV and a little poke but never once said it was a needle and honestly I don't know if she realized that's what it was.  The nurses there are awesome and had no problem getting it on the first try.  She barely flinched and on they went.  She was the perfect patient and I couldn't be more proud of her.

In the waiting room before her CT Scan

That's not the exciting part of the day though.  We spent most of the morning and part of the afternoon at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM).  Adrian is the only one who had been there before but that was years ago and it has changed a lot since then.  We got to see most of the first three levels before we had to leave for Adryanna's appointment and were able to see level four and some of the stuff we missed after her appointment.  It was a great way to spend a cold, rainy day.  Meaghan came with us and was just as amazed with the museum as Adryanna was.

Listening to a presentation on Egyptian story telling

The other favorite part of the day was taking the subway from the ROM to Sick Kids and back again.  Adryanna has never even seen the subway before and was so excited to experience this new thing.  It was fun to watch her face as she experienced this day of new things.

After all the time at the museum, the hospital and the trips on the Subway it was time to have dinner with Meaghan's boyfriend and head home.  We picked a little pub type restaurant across the street from the ROM that looked a little creepy from the outside but was wonderful on the inside.  The food was delicious and the service was awesome!

My favorite part of busy days like that is the fact that I don't have the opportunity to eat constantly.  I had no worries about what I was ordering for dinner because I knew that I had not eaten too much all day and that no matter what I ate everything would be fine.  I am very happy with this week's scale picture too.  I ran with Runners' Edge all three days, I went to the gym three times and started my new workout routine.  Things are totally on the right track again and I couldn't feel better.

Moving in the right direction!  Here's hoping it stays that way;)

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