Tuesday 3 April 2012

Another week, Another weigh-in

Well it's been quite the week between tree removal, dress shopping, workouts and general running around I'm tired!  It wasn't my best week of working out ever but I did the best I could given the circumstances.  I didn't get my long run in but that's ok.  The tree is 90% done, the girls have flower girl dresses and this week will be much calmer.  Last night we went to the Y and tonight I got an 8k run done.  It was much better than Saturday's run, I was able to breath which was a much needed bonus. 

Tonight was the start of the new clinics at Runners' Edge.  I always feel very nostalgic when the new clinics start and I feel like there is a new energy in the air.  Tonight I was rather early and sat in my car for a few minutes.  I thought a lot about the past 18 months and how much things have changed.  If someone had told me the day I walked through those doors, for the first time, that I would be training for a half marathon I would have howled with laughter.  I couldn't imagine the 10 minutes I would run that night or the 5k that I would run at the end of the clinic, how was I supposed to think about a half marathon?  When I crossed that finish line after my first 5k I began thinking about further distances but not very seriously.  Then I decided I could do 10k and started training for that.  I still didn't see a half in my future.  However, when I finished that 10k I felt like I could do anything!  In school I was always the chubby kid, then the fat teen.  Now I am a runner!!  I no longer define myself by what I weigh and what size I wear.  In exactly two months I will finish a half marathon and who knows what crazy ideas I will get:)

So if I don't define myself by size or weight why do I post my weight each week?  I do it because while it doesn't define me I know that even though I am so much healthier than I was 18 months ago I have a long way to go before I can say that I am really healthy.  I am well on my way but I know I need some accountability and the fact that my stats spike early in the week tells me that people are coming back to check in.  This works for me because really, who wants to post a weight gain?  Also I hope that if one week I don't post my weigh in someone will call me on it:)  So here's this weeks picture.  I'm happy with it.  I also know that I have been slacking a bit over the past couple of weeks and that it's time to get back on track.  No more snacking for the sake of snacking, no more excuses period!


  1. "Now I am a runner!! I no longer define myself by what I weigh and what size I wear."

    Wow! Very powerful, inspiring words, indeed! Go, girl!

    And always remember to never let your distance or your time "define" your running or you as a runner! As Benny always says, just RUN!

  2. Thanks John and you're right!! Whether I run 5 steps or a marathon I am still a runner:)
