Saturday 21 April 2012

12k of Bliss!!

The past few long runs have had me a bit freaked out about the half marathon looming in the not so distant future.  I've struggled with my asthma and tired legs.  I woke up this morning feeling that sense of panic that I had to run a new distance and didn't know what it would bring.  My stomach was in knots, my back hurt and I was scared.  To top it all off it was rainy and cool. I told myself to knock it off and get out the door.  I knew if I didn't do this today I would be even more freaked out about it tomorrow.  So off I went. 

We stretched and then were given our route (which rarely changes).  I headed out right away while everyone else got sorted out with their water belts and other stuff.  We always run about 1k then stop to stretch as a group before heading out for the rest of the distance.  That distance varies by person and what event they are training for.  So I took off and thought I would try to get a head start and maybe make it to the stretching point before they got through the first stretch.  I felt amazing from the first step!!  I made it to the stretching point before they even started:)  This eased my fears a bit and the rest of the run was awesome.  I learned that the 12k turn around point is at the bottom of a pretty ugly hill but there is the option to continue on level ground so that's what I chose.  Didn't want to push my luck.  Usually by the turn around point I am bargaining with myself, if I run for so long I can walk a bit and I will do this for the rest of my run, pushing myself to that next point but usually not actually walking.  Today there was no bargaining!!!  I felt great.  I stopped when I got back to Kevin, our water support person, refilled my water, ate a chocolate mint GU and started moving again.  On the way back I count down the KM's and today it seemed so much less daunting than usual.  I just knew I could do it!!!  When I got to the parking lot, where I usually stop, I was just shy of 12k so I kept going until my Garmin told me I was officially at 12k and stopped with a smile.  I couldn't wait to tell everyone about my accomplishment.  I stretched, headed to the market and back home.  I feel amazing now and am looking forward to whatever else the day has to offer:)

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