Thursday 7 November 2013

Free from Excuses!

Tonight was a run night so naturally something had to go wrong:).  It seems like my world has been hit by the plague or something.  Everyone seems to be getting sick in one way or another.  Several people at work have been off and half the people in my house have been sick. Today was Christina's turn.  As any mothers reading will likely agree there is nothing sadder than a 4 year old that is sick.  Christina is full of energy all the time.  She is usually wound up so much that she can't sit still for more than a minute.  Today she didn't leave the couch for hours.  When I got home from work she was curled up on the couch, bright pink cheeks and warm to the touch.  I have a hard time leaving them when they are not feeling well.  Luckily for me we now have the lovely (old and rickety) treadmill.  So the computer came with us, Christina curled up on the bed and I put on Netflix for her.  We found an alphabet show with animals and singing that was 34 minutes long.  I started it, started the treadmill and before we knew it her show was done and I was beyond done:)

Before the treadmill I would have very quickly decided that I didn't need to run and would have stayed on the couch feeling guilty all night.  Today I was tired and didn't really want to run but knew I would be unhappy if I didn't.  Thankfully I no longer have the excuse of not being able to leave the house to use.  All it took was a little creativity, the beauty of laptops and Netflix and this momma got her run done:)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Selena! Good on you! We have a pretty decent treadmill, but the basement is a disaster at the moment and treadmill is folded up and tucked away in a corner. We also have a stationary bike that we got when my mom moved out of her house, as well as weights...a universal gym that we bought off my sister, who had never used it and Josh has a really good set of weights, barbells, and a bench. So, I have no excuses either, when the weather gets really bad. We just need to get it all set up and useable.

    It was a little chilly tonight, but not bad once we got going. I actually had to push up my sleeves and I had on my capris. :)
