Thursday 14 November 2013

Another First!

This weekend we are going away to visit my husbands family.  My girls haven't seen this part of the family much because they live about 8hrs away.  A weekend away almost always means a weekend of poor eating and no running.  This weekend will be different:)

Tonight I prepared two smoothies so that I can have one for breakfast tomorrow and one for breakfast on Saturday.  I didn't want to miss any days of my challenge and didn't know what my options would be for breakfast.  This is a first for me.  I also have a bunch of fruits and veggies and healthy foods for the drives.  I have a bag packed with my running stuff and have mapped out a route around the town.  

We are going to a very small town that has a lot of rural area.  We are staying in the populated area of town.  I mapped the route around the perimeter of the populated area and it is almost 5k (told you it was small).  I want to do at least 5k Saturday so I may end up zigzagging a little to make sure I get the distance in;). 

It's going to be a great weekend!!  Keep a look out for the pictures and updates:)

1 comment:

  1. You've got this Selena! Planning is SO big, and you are well-prepared. Have a great weekend! I'm planning to take my running stuff when we go to Halifax for Christmas. There are a LOT of BIG hills there, so it will be challenging, but maybe we can find a relatively flat route. :S
