Today I stepped on the scale after several weeks of avoiding it and was not at all surprised with what I saw. I was annoyed and dissappointed in myself but not surprised. I am up about 5lbs from the last time I stepped on and maybe more since the last time I blogged about it.
So what am I going to do about it??? Well I am going to get my butt in gear and stop this horrible cycle once and for all!!
Tonight is the first night of the rest of my life! Tomorrow morning I will get on the scale and with my phone take a picture of the number. I will put that as my background on my phone and each week when I weigh in I will change that picture no matter which direction the scale goes. Hopefully that will help me keep going.
Almost two years ago we bought the Wii Fit Plus and I used it regularly but not nearly enough. I'm going to bring it back out tonight and dust it off. I don't have the time or motivation to go to the gym but need something for the nights in between runs. There are some fun activities on there and there is a "free step" thing where I can set it up and then switch to the TV while I do it. I plan to do this 3 nights a week after the kids go to bed then I will run my 3 runs a week. If I keep it up this should really help things along!!!
Two steps forward and one step back. That's the way it goes sometimes but, if you keep moving in the right direction, you'll get there!