Monday 18 July 2011


I love them but they make me crazy!  Right now life is full of changes. 

While running isn't a new change anymore it's still a big change.  I have had gym memberships in the past but the novelty always wore off within a couple of months and I started making excuses to miss workouts.  Running however has remained exciting for me.  I get frustrated when life starts to get in the way and I have to miss runs.  Tomorrow I will get up before 6am so that I can get my run in since I am choosing to go to see Harry Potter at night.  I usually run with a group from the local running store but I am slower than most and usually end up alone.  I don't mind being by myself at all however for the next three weeks my stepkids are here and tomorrow I get to bring Meaghan with me for my run.  I'm excited to have someone with me and doubly excited to share my new passion with her.

The other big change I am making is around food.  I love food!  I am trying to make sure I, along with my family, are eating more whole, healthy foods.  Breakfast has always been an issue for me.  I always eat it but it's usually some kind of cereal and milk and by the time I get to work I am hungry again.  A couple of months ago I heard about something called a "Green Monster".  Since I was determined to get more fresh, healthy foods in I thought I would try them and I love them! My family got hooked on them and my almost 2 year old screams with delight when I pull out the blender.  I now have one several mornings a week and that has made a big difference to the way I feel.  I am constantly on the look out for new breakfast ideas and recently found several things that I can make the night before which makes life with two little ones so much easier.  Next I will be on the hunt for lunch items.

Another change for me is stepping outside my comfort zone.  I have done this more and more over the past few months.  Running and eating were the start, now putting things out there for the world to read.  I am much more vocal than I used to be and am more confident in expressing my thoughts and opinions.  It's amazing how one little change can snowball into big changes.  I'm excited to see what comes next but for now the girls are sound asleep and it's time for Mommy to get ready for bed too, 6am comes very quickly!

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