Friday 29 July 2011

Busy, busy, busy!

It's been a crazy week and crazy weeks mean less running.  That makes me sad :( 

I had the best intentions this week.  I got out Tuesday morning for my run and it felt great.  I planned to get up early again Thursday morning but after a very long and busy day on Wednesday I just couldn't get out of bed.  I figured I would just run after Adryanna's soccer game instead.  Well after soccer I needed to go to the grocery store for some things for tonights dinner and by the time I got home it was well after 9pm and I don't like starting my run that late.  It makes it hard to sleep because I am too hot and there is too much adrenaline flowing.  So, I set my alarm for early this morning and was already to go.  While I stretched in the driveway thinking how nice the falling rain was after the month of dry I saw lightening flashing.  The first couple of flashes I wasn't even sure I saw but then the thunder started to rumble.  Now I'll run in just about anything, I ran all through the bitter cold winter we had, some pretty heavy rains and of course the scorching heat but I will not run in lightening.  As a child I was terrified of thunderstorms and while I'm not so much scared of them now I still don't want to run through them.  So back in the house I went and back to bed for an extra half hour of relaxing.

Tomorrows run is going to be another 8k run.  I have officially signed up for the Chocolate Race on August 28th and I need to be ready for it.  The training schedule says 8k this week, 9k for the two following weeks and 10k the fourth week.  The following week is the race.  Since it's my first 10k race my only hope is to complete it standing.  I have no time goal and no expectations.  I just want to finish.

Today is the start of my vacation and I plan to enjoy it thoroughly!!  We're going to do some day trips and some swimming.  I'll have lots of time to get my runs in and lots of other physical activity.  It's going to be a good week!!

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