Saturday 4 May 2013

May Run Everyday Challenge

One of the groups I follow on Facebook put out a challenge to everyone to run at least one mile everyday in May.  They did one a couple of months ago but I wasn't running nearly enough at that point to sign up so I didn't.  This month I have taken it as the motivation I need to get back into routine.  The past two weeks have been awesome.  I have stuck to all my goals but I know that two weeks in the grand scheme of things is peanuts.  So I clicked accept and made my own alterations to the rules.  I plan to run my usual three runs but I am going to start walking our dog every day as well. I have always wanted to be able to take her running with me but she can't walk in a straight line and I can't run in a straight line which makes for some serious tripping.  So I thought this might be the opportunity to try that again and build up slowly.  So my plan is that I am going to run on my own the three days that I would normal run and on the other days I am going to bring her for a walk and run part of that.  I don't plan to time those shorter runs or measure the distance but I think it's a good way to see if the dog and I can be compatible running buddies and it keeps my motivation going.

The other thing that is exciting right now is that I have changed my run times to early morning.  It is beautiful out there at 6am right now and I love watching the world slowly wake up.  A lot of my runs are through residential areas so I get to see lots of other people out for walks and runs, I get to see bunnies hopping across lawns and hear birds chirping happily.  It is peaceful and wonderful.  Today I took my first trip to the canal path since they re-opened it.  It was closed for most of the winter for repairs.  The amount of people out there at 8 am is amazing!  I was a bit sad to see that in their repairs they have yet to replant all the trees and a lot of the grass is gone but hopefully they will get that done soon.  I also got to see two big boats going through which is always fun.  Wondering where they are heading, where they have come from and what they are hauling.

It's really, really spring in Canada now and I'm so excited!

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