Monday 12 March 2012

Rest Week!

This is the first official training plan I have followed and it includes rest weeks.  I remember hearing people talk about them and thinking that I really would love a rest week.  I used to give myself a break sometimes but it was nothing official.  This week I only run 40 minutes twice and my Saturday long run is 60 minutes.  The shorter 40 minute ones seem kind of silly and will actually be quite tough because it takes me close to that to really get into a groove.  The 60 minute one still seems like a kind of long run to me since it was about  my average before I started the training.  The interesting part is that I will be running more distance in that run than I was running most weekends over the last couple of months.  I'm excited for this week and looking forward to feeling refreshed at the end of it all.  The next four weeks will see me running the longest times I have ever run and will get me somewhere around 13 or 14k on my longest run.  Then I will get one more rest week and then another 3 weeks of really long runs before I start to taper back down before my race day.  When I break it down like that it doesn't seem very far away does it?  I'm going to forget about all of that now and just focus on my rest week which just so happens to be a mostly vacation week too.  I only work 1.5 days this week.

In other news, I tried protein shakes this week for the first time and have decided that they are very much worth the money.  I liked the protein powder that Céline gave me so much that I have now ordered own tub of it and will be making them a regular part of my breakfast routine.  I added it to my regular smoothie and it made it like a delicious rich chocolate milkshake.  So yummy and so healthy!!!

Now for my favorite part of the week lately.  I am getting nervous about this because things are going so well with my weight loss.  I know that if I keep doing what I'm doing things will keep going in the right direction but it just seems so easy this time around.  I am usually dying for junk food by this point but right now I don't even care.  I have such determination this time that just the thought of junk makes me uncomfortable.  I am very satisfied with what I am already eating and have really no desire to eat things that aren't going to help my body.  Enough of the rambling, here's the picture:)

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