Tuesday 19 August 2014


At the beginning of the year I set a goal to run at least 400k this year.  With today's run in the books I can happily say I have met that goal.  Actually I can say that I have exactly met that goal.  I have logged exactly 400k of running since January 1st!!  I am super proud of that since I am not the greatest when it comes to follow through on those kinds of goals.

What shall I do now that I have reached that goal and have 4.5 months left in the year?  Well increase it of course!  I will now be aiming for a total of 700k for the year.  I figure with Half Marathon training I will likely log another 200k leaving me with 100k for November and December.  I know that I slack of majorly after a race so this will be the motivation to keep going.  Who knows maybe I'll sign up for another race after the Half just for a little extra motivation!

Today's run was one of those sucky ones where you push hard yet can't seem to go any faster.  I was far slower than usual but my lungs were exploding, my legs felt like lead and my brain wanted to stop.  Luckily I am stubborn and kept moving.  I had to stop a couple of times for lights but I made sure to start running again right away.  I also passed a friend on her way to work which was a bit of motivation to keep going.  I don't want to have to explain why I was walking!!  So all in all it was a great day.  I feel good now and have everything packed for the gym tomorrow.

We are heading back to Florida to visit my brother and his family in January and I would love to be down a size or two and have just a touch more space on the plane.  It was a little crowded when a heavier person was sitting beside me and I wanted to have the window which doesn't allow a lot of moving room.  Next time I want to be able to move a little more than I could this time.  I figure if I keep up the mileage running and the trips to the gym I should have no issues with that one.

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