Sunday 8 December 2013

The Weekend That Was

Two more weeks of work until Christmas vacation!!!  Well two weeks and two days really.  I am working the Monday and Tuesday of Christmas week.  I have had to use too much of my vacation time for Adryanna's heart appointments and her surgery in the summer so I don't have quite enough left to take the full two weeks.

This post is about this weekend though:)  It's been a good one if you ask me (which is weird because there was a lot of shopping and I hate shopping).  Yesterday both girls had birthday parties to go to at different times and places.  Christina's was first so we dropped her off and I took Adryanna shopping for the gift for her friend and groceries.  We went to Chapters for the gift.  I got a Starbucks (there may be an addiction there) and then we went searching for the gift.  While we were there we also had to search for Booky the Elf.  He is an Elf on the Shelf and it is fun to try to find him in all the stuff at Chapters.  Thankfully they keep him to the kids section.  It took a while but we found him.  I enjoy taking Adryanna to Chapters because she loves books and loves to spend time there just looking.  She always wants to buy something of course.  She is a fun age to do that kind of thing with now.  She has some great interests and loves to learn so we had a great time.  Grocery shopping is always fun for me because I like to get new and interesting things.  I don't think I got anything new yesterday but it was still fun to pick out lots of yummy and healthy items.  After all the birthday parties were over Adrian and I got to go to the movies.  We had to do the late show which is insane because usually I am in bed before the movie even started!!  I made it through though and it was a great movie!

Today was an at home day.  We spent the morning cleaning the girls bedroom and getting rid of all the stuff they never use anymore.  I discovered that they have so many books that there are some I had forgotten about and some that I didn't even remember they had!  I then decided to run since I missed going yesterday.  I did about 4k which I was very happy with.  I am really stuffy and got quite wheezy today so I didn't push things too much.  Tuesday is another day and I'm sure it will be a better run.  After my run I decided to bust out my Jillian Michaels Ultimate Challenge game that I got for my birthday a couple of years ago.  I haven't used it much because when I got it I was starting my training for a half marathon and after using the game a couple of times I was in so much pain that it was interfering with my running!!  It's good pain but not when you are starting training for something that you aren't even sure about.  Today though I decided I could handle it.  I got stuck in the exact same spot as I did every time before.  The idea of the game is that you are on a mission to get through an evil drug factory.  The factory is working with an evil food company to make everyone sick.  You have to make it though and shut it down.  To make it through there are lots of different exercises that you have to complete and complete well.  It's a Nintendo Wii game so it can detect your movements and if you aren't doing things just right you get caught and have to start over.  I get caught every time.  So today I tried again and got caught multiple times.  I will defeat this game yet!!!  I think I'll to do it on nights that I can't get to the gym or run.  It's good strength training!

So now it's Sunday night.  I'm tired, I've had a great weekend and I'm ready for the week at work.  It's going to be a good week because I say it is:)

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