Tuesday 3 December 2013

Slow and Steady:)

Last night I was feeling a little nostalgic (and maybe a little bored).  I was getting things ready for today's run and started thinking of the fact that it has been a little over 3 years since I ran my first 5k.  I started thinking of all I have done and all the miles I have put in.  I pulled up my Garmin Connect account and went back to my first recorded run.  It was in February of 2011!!  I had been running for a few months at that point but hadn't tracked any of it.  I was lucky enough at that point to get a friends old Garmin because she needed a new one with a battery that lasted more than an hour.  At that point I was definitely not running more than an hour so it was great for me.  The first run I have recorded with it was 4.95k and my "moving time" 46:15. That isn't completely accurate because I clearly forgot to stop my watch when we stopped to stretch and there is a huge chunk of time that I wasn't moving.  Since then I have trained for and run several 5k races, one 10k race and one half marathon.  I haven't run any races in a year and a half and that is very clear when I look at my mileage.  I plan to change that in the next several months starting on New Years Eve with the 5k Resolution Run.

The part that gave me a bit of a laugh was that my time today is very close to all the 5k the times in that list.  My pace has gotten a little better but only by about half a minute per kilometer.  I haven't worried too much about getting faster over my running time but I have focused on doing the distance.  Running for me isn't about winning races.  I started running to get healthy and live a long life for my kids.  I keep running for the same reason but also because it has made me feel so much healthier and happier.  After a good run my body feels better but so does my brain. I feel happier and clearer.  I feel like I can take on the world.  I feel more confident.  Before I started to run I wouldn't speak up for myself, I wouldn't volunteer for anything at work and god forbid I had to talk to someone new.  Now I still have a problem speaking up for myself but I am much better at it than I once was.  I volunteer for many things at work and I will spend tomorrow morning with someone I have never met and will answer a lot of questions.  I love the new confidence I have and I'm so glad I took that first, very difficult, step.

Who knew back in September 2010 that running would be such an important part of my life.  I may not get a whole lot faster and I will never win a race but all the other rewards are so much better!!


  1. Loved this entry. Wow, you have come a long way!

    I am actually thinking about signing up for my first half this May! There are 3 other bloggers I follow that are all signing up too! We should have a virtual running partnership to keep each other on track. :)

  2. I love your title! There is a T-shirt that I have seen a few times at race expos. I think it was from 'Run Girl Run'. It says something along the lines of, "Always remember...the turtle won!". That is me for sure! A turtle! I am still thinking about the Women's half, but debating whether it might be wiser to wait and do it at the October race weekend. But then, Jim pointed out that I would be training all summer, and I do NOT do heat well. Are you definitely planning on the Women's? It is June 1.

    1. I haven't signed up yet but I am working towards it. It is definitely my goal race and I plan to be back with the group in January to start training for it. I am also looking at the Chocolate Race 10k in May. It's a few weeks before so should work as a good rest week.
