Tuesday 30 July 2013

Pass It On!!!

When I started running I had no idea how to properly fuel my body.  I relied on low calorie foods and getting the most food for my calories.  I was doing Weight Watchers and wanted the most food for my points.  I quickly came to realize that those foods were not going to fuel my runs and had to start doing some research.  I found out that the foods I needed to eat were not always going to be low calorie or low fat but were going to have lots of nutritional goodness that my body could use to keep going.  I asked a lot of questions and luckily had patient people in my life that didn't mind the multiple emails asking what to do next.  I figured out some great nutrient dense foods that would give me awesome energy.  I then started running further and longer and had to start looking at what my body needed before, during and after my runs.  I again asked a lot of questions and again was met with a lot of patience and great answers.  I was also given lots of little samples of things to try before I went out and spent a bunch of money on things I might not like.  I was and still am grateful for all of that.

Last night a friend who has started going to a boot camp class asked for some advice and I was so very happy to be able to share some of what I have learned.  I sent her some treats to try today and she liked them.  She jokingly said that she would pay me to make more of the little bars I sent.  I love helping people and love that I can finally be someone that people come to when they have exercise and nutrition questions.  I definitely don't know it all and need to practice more of what I preach but I have come a long way over the past 3 years and would certainly make the old Selena sit up and listen.  I think she would be very shocked and maybe even a little proud:)

1 comment:

  1. I think she would be more than a little proud, Selena!

    I don't think we will ever run out of questions. Just when we get the answer to one, there is another on that comes up. I guess that is just life and the important thing is that we take our newfound knowledge and apply it, then share it, which you have done so well.
