As the day went on I could feel a cold coming on. It seemed like my body knew that the hardest run was done and it let the virus in. Sunday morning I went shopping and bought all the ingredients for a soup from my Oh She Glows cookbook called "on the mend red lentil-kale soup". It is spicy and tasty and filling. I made a pot of that and also bought stuff to make honey, lemon, ginger tea. I ate the soup for a couple of days and drank the tea like crazy. I am happy to report that I made it through that cold quickly and with no medications. My mom was never shy about taking or giving us medications when we were sick but now I prefer to keep things to a minimum. I take the things I have to but cold pills only seem to prolong the inevitable. This time I managed to kick the cold in less than a week.
This morning was my first run since Saturday. I skipped my workouts for the first half of the week so that I could get a little extra rest. I was nervous going out but quickly felt great. It was the perfect run. The weather was perfect, I watched the sun come up and the world wake up. I felt great from step one to step 8905 (or at least that's how many steps my pretty pink fitbit says).
Before today I was a little nervous for race day but after today's run I feel like I will be just fine!! Three weeks to go!!