Saturday 15 June 2013

It's been an interesting couple of weeks around here!  Christina is not slowed down at all by her broken leg and is getting more and more adventurous by the day.  She has now decided that it's a good idea to walk on her cast despite the fact that it is not a walking cast and she has been told not to walk.  She was at the doctor yesterday for a referral to a local orthopedic surgeon and her doctor thinks she might be just about ready to have the cast off.  We see the orthopedic surgeon on Wednesday morning and hopefully will leave with a castless kid.  I will be so very happy to have her back on two legs again and to be able to give her a nice long bath! We've been doing sponge baths and washing her hair very carefully but she is three and it just isn't cutting it!

I am proud to say that I have increased my distance running and next weekend will be running a 5k with no worries about whether I can do it or not.  I'm so very frustrated with myself for letting my distance get so low.  A year ago I ran 21.1k!  I should be able to run that still but I got lazy.  Lesson learned and I will not be making that mistake again!

I have been eating lots of new foods.  Not a lot of new recipes but I try something new every chance I get. I have caved in the pop department but only a couple of times.

Two more weeks of work and then a vacation week.  I am so looking forward to the time off and the break from the routine.


  1. Are you doing the Niagara Ultra 5k? I tried dragonfruit this week! They were only $1.89 at Superstore. I googled it on my phone and it said they are supposed to taste like a cross between kiwi and pear, so I bought one. They are funny looking, inside and out. Josh wouldn't try it, but I got Jim to taste a piece. It did taste kind of like a pear, but it wasn't sweet...pretty bland, really. I don't know that I would buy one again.

  2. Hi Janice! Thanks so much for the comment! I am actually from, New Brunswick! Such a small world we live in! So glad that I am connected to you now and I look forward to rooting you on in your weight loss battle! :)

    PS, I go to Halifax all the time, as I have family there. Living on the East Coast is great!
